Hall of fame

flag Cucumber warhead

545 Mt
25.5 min
7.2 Pts
4.6 Reb
0.6 Blo
1.3 Ast
9.9 Rkg
National league
MVP of the match
MVP of the day
Small forward of the day
Gold won in the league
Small forward of the season
Gold won in the league
Gold won in the league
Gold won in the league
International league
Bronze won in the league
Silver won in the league
Gold won in the league
335 Mt
24.4 min
16.6 Pts
8.4 Reb
1.5 Blo
0.8 Ast
22.9 Rkg
National league
Gold won in the league
Center of the season
Center of the season
MVP of the season
Gold won in the league
Center of the season
MVP of the season
Gold won in the league
International league
MVP of the match
MVP of the day
Center of the day
Bronze won in the league
Silver won in the league