League: World League.7.13

Best players: 99 S 36 d.
MVP of the day:
Pablo Urena
22 Pts; Rkg: 30; min: 32; Reb: 9; Ast: 3;
top fiveTop 5 of the day:
Ka Yeung Auyeung
Weber Stat; Rkg: 10; min: 24; 6 Pts
Player: Adel Amroune (RT: 65)
The club has been assigned a player since there were too few players in the club
Player: Boumedienne Zoghlami (RT: 58)
The club has been assigned a player since there were too few players in the club
Player: Eugenio Canepa (RT: 68)
The club has been assigned a player since there were too few players in the club
Player: LEO Arias (RT: 49)
The club has been assigned a player since there were too few players in the club
Player: Celestino Vignoly (RT: 64)
The club has been assigned a player since there were too few players in the club