​Old coaches' skills will start decreasing from season 102


As it was mentioned in the past few seasonal news, starting with season 102, skills of coaches over 59 years old will start decreasing. Decrease will occur in similar way as for old players.

The speed of decreasing will depend on: 
  • age (the bigger, the faster decreases)
  • potential of skill (the bigger, the slower decreases)
  • current value of skill (the bigger, the faster decreases)

Coaches' skills can decrease up to 3 (for average skill potential). If skill's potential is bigger - minimum limit is also bigger, if skill's potential is smaller - minimum limit is also smaller.

Old coaches can still be trained. The trained skill decreases slower or in rare cases may even improve.

​Old coaches' skills will start decreasing from season 102. Find more in News!
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Tai jei kris kaip zaidejams, tai maniskiui treneriui jau pirma savaite du skilai kris is 12 i 11 :D -- 101 S 52 d.
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Tai jeigu prie pat ribos yra tai normalu, kad kris. Kur čia problema? Dabar už tai daug greičiau auga tie treneriai, tai nebebus problemų naują užsiauginti. -- 101 S 52 d.
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Nu jo vietoj 40sezonu 20 tereiks tai nebera problemu -- 101 S 52 d.
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