Press conference

Game's news: Match engine update
-- 88 S 61 d.
New match engine will be used in the game from the next season! We recommend reading all the available information - so that you would be as ready as possible for the upcoming season.
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Where should we read?:) I think posting the links would be helpful -- 88 S 61 d.
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Just press "Match engine update" link and there is all info inside :) -- 88 S 61 d.
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those who can read are clearly at an advantage xD -- 88 S 61 d.
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oh my.. -- 88 S 61 d.
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Looks like its impossible to defend agains low posts in the new ME despite the fact that I have way better centers.
All these matches I used defence focus on low posts:
Matches 86 % (18/21)
Matches 92 % (11/12)
Matches 83 % (15/18)
Matches 61 % (14/23)
can't notice any difference if Im using defence focus on shooters :)
-- 88 S 62 d.
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O tai Lietuviškai info nebebus ? :O -- 88 S 62 d.
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We are precisely waiting from the Administration for clear information on how to deal with this new engine; To which we should add that from WL2 onwards it is often impossible to have teams of 10 players due to a salary issue that should be resolved -- 88 S 62 d.
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it'd not the game creators fault that players are too expensive... It's players themselves who put the price. -- 88 S 62 d.
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Myself i just lost a tall guy who became just too expensive. What surprised me wasn't the money but the league he is going. He goes to a 4WL team which will pay him about 25 percent of all incoming money. Add the numbers and of course you won't be able to have 10 players. Well you in 1WL can't compare with that... -- 88 S 62 d.
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Please read again about the economic of the game.
-- 88 S 62 d.
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Darius, you can tell me everything you want, but that is actually impracticable, because no team from WL2 to the minor leagues can have a team of 9/10 players because it is impossible for them to renew their own player. And you don't want to understand reasons -- 88 S 62 d.
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The only reason why everything is expensive is only managers. It's not admins/market/games/scouts/coaches/players/some divine power - it's fully managers, it's us who participate in market, bid some crazy amounts and end up increasing avg. Salary which leads extending not being to our liking. "It's not cheap to extend". No shit Sherlock, those 100k bids on some players increased some C prices from avg on 35k up to 60k.

What ya'll want? Darius giving everyone more money? Only leads increasing salaries more. We all want best players at cheapest price. I don't see LeBron James, Steph Curry, KD or other NBA superstars going "oh shit, I will just extend my contract for minimum salary, I don't care about those 200+mil on the table, will play for 1mil per season".

It is the reality - we all bid crazy in the market which DIRECTLY increased avg prices and we all have to pay.

Not Darius "doesn't want to understand" - it's all of you, that want to have 10 LeBrons for less than minimum wage.
-- 88 S 62 d.
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First Houdini you overdid it a bit and taking us all for fools, I think Darius doesn't need a lawyer either. On the other hand what you say is a great stupidity and also a lie; because put aside those of us who are in WL1, let's go to the minor leagues and I'm going to give you a clear example so that even you understand it; You start with 10 players from your school, they reach the main team and by the third renewal you already have to do without someone because you can't sustain them. And it's not all Genius managers who make salaries increase, hopefully there will be 5 or 6 who can pay large amounts, -- 88 S 62 d.
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and I'm going to take the trouble to go team by team, and league by league to show you that you're lying -- 88 S 62 d.
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Heyhoudini. Sveikinu. Ka tik pasiekiai nerealu propagandos lygi. Tas ner blogai, jei nori dirbti valdziai. Bet… Liaudis/tauta, paprastai, laukia kitokiu žinių iš “Prezidentu”. O būtent: valdžia bloga, nieko nesupranta ir pan. Kitaip tariant bandymas uztart, kad reikia 12 žaidėju kaip minimum ir nieko nedarysim nes kalti žaidėjai/liaudis, kvepia labai jau Stalinizmu, arba, pagal jūsų jaunimo paniatkes, Putinizmu… P. S. Blemba kaip gaila, kad Šabas uzbanintas, paaiškintų geriau nei aš… -- 88 S 63 d.
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Ihr habt alle Probleme, ey.

Ihr solltet euch alle mal vor Augen führen, dass das hier alles nur ein Spiel ist.

Es soll mit einem Basketball Hintergrund in erster Linie Spaß machen und zu netten Bekanntschaften führen. So das man mal dem Alltag entfliehen kann.

Ihr feindet euch an, als ob Leben davon abhängen.
Kommt mal wieder klar und chillt mal ne Runde.

Peace out!
-- 88 S 63 d.
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Well, I'm not in wl1 nor wl2, but I do understand that a real life team is constructed of stars and role players. And real life teams also have problems extending their own players sometimes because of the salary cap. Most they can get is 3 superstara but in that case, the rest of the team is garbage because of the cap.
From what I' m reading, some of you are complaining that you can't have a team of 10 players, but in reality, you don't want a team of 10 players. You want a team of 10 all stars. I'm all for larger rosters where you have to find some cheap role players to make the finances work.
-- 88 S 63 d.
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Liverduk no one wants 10 super stars , but only good players , and I tell you too , if I train 10 players from school , and let 's say no LeBron , but only useful players , at some point you are going to lose because you are not going to be able to renew their contracts -- 88 S 63 d.
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And why then do you have a squad of only 8 players? If it were as easy as you say it should be 12 -- 88 S 63 d.
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I can't believe these guys keep saying the same thing when I was in WL5 and they are still repeating them now
If you are below WL2, and you have trouble renewing your players because you can't afford the salary, you are playing this game in a wrong way
-- 88 S 63 d.
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I’m just quick mathing but at 3 resigns per season of scouted talent at 5S each and properly assigned into their tier in the resign wave you should be able to properly juggle 12 talents over their life time. Mix in 2 draft playera and the salaries can work. Time for everyone to evolve or die. -- 88 S 63 d.
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That’d mean probably raising talents in pods (4 finished vet stars, 4health bankers/YT Grads, 2Draft, - next wave of 4 in YT to replace vets). -- 88 S 63 d.
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Is it possible to lower the tiredness in only youth league games? Since the tiredness will affect a player’s training. -- 89 S 2 d.
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No, you need to have full squad everywhere. -- 89 S 2 d.
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Kas čia per nuo vargiai tokie, nlb ikertu? 10 žaidėjų po lygiai liko, blyn po 60-75 % nusikaltimo pirmose sezono varžybose? Ar čia viskas gerai? -- 89 S 2 d.
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Matches zaidejas zarudnevas baige su 6prazangom varzybas -- 89 S 2 d.
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Įdomus sezonas nusimato... -- 89 S 2 d.
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Aš manau,kad reikėtų padaryti taip, kad komanda turėtų sudėtyje minimum 10-12 ar net 14 žaidėjų. Dabar komandos turi 7-8 žaidėjus ir lygiavertiškai daužosi su visais.. Niekur taip nėra realiai. Tegul padaro, kad registruoti būtų galima minimum 7 rungtynėse, bet komandoje reikia turėti minimum 10-12. Tada biški pareguliuotų komandų sudėtis, nebūtų vien tik superstarai, nes dabar 1 lygos komandos atrodo apgailėtinai su panašaus VK sudėtimis.. -- 89 S 2 d.
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Thank you!
Probably I found the problem and fixed directly inside main engine (v. 1.1.01)
-- 89 S 2 d.
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Wow, missed such a nice discussion :) i agree partly with houdini - everyone wants 10 Lebrons, however the really artificial thing is minimum salary - completely doesnt go with real life. In economy, it is considered healthy when ratio of minimum wage divided by average is at or below 50%. What is such ratio in basketpulse? Second, what is the share of players getting minimum or below wage? And how does it look by leagues? What unemployment rate does this create? Some players from drafts might be recruited maybe even different skillsets tried, but their high rating would push up the min wage where its not worth it.
Too much illogical things are now based on this players rating, which with drafts introduction makes even less sense now - min wage, strength rating…
-- 89 S 2 d.
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Houdini and Lape have the same opinion. Can it be only coincidence? -- 89 S 2 d.
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Definitely not the same user/brother/cousin/coworker/close-friend/wife/sister/mother/father.. -- 89 S 3 d.
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gali ir 50 tureti, bet neimanoma suvaldyti, kai PG po krepsiu ginasi pries C, arba kai baudas meto komanda (ir varzovu) 50 proc. Cia mano paskutinis sezonas sitame zaidime, netrinu dabar komandos, nes yra pasiskolintas zaidejas, islauksiu sezono galo. Buvo geras zaidimas, bet primaste nesamoniu ir bega visi zaidejai. jau esu sakes, leiskit nauja ta varikliuka, bet palikite ir sena ant kito domeno, zmones pasirinks kur zaisti, bet niekam neidomu....
-- 89 S 3 d.
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O kokie žaidėjų vidutinio nuotolio metimo skillai, kurie baudas mėto po 50 procentų? -- 89 S 3 d.
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Kažko jus cia nepykit, bet nusivažiavot su tais naujais varikliukas. Ne pinigų neis sutaupyt, nes reik daugiau žaidėjų, nznz,..... -- 89 S 3 d.
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Ginybos nustatymai, tai padėk dieve, seni buvo super, čia blyn nesuprasi nk, kas ką kaip gins.... -- 89 S 3 d.
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i have lost last period 17-8 against a Team with 4 men with 40 tiredeness here ?!?!??!?! -- 89 S 4 d.
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Tai didžiausias nesusipratimas šiame žaidime. Žaidėjai surinkti pagal praeito sezono varikliuką. Buvo lyderiai, dabar vidutiniokai nors algos milžiniškos.
Buvo perimtų kamuolių svarba treniruojant gynybos iq. Koks dabar tikslas kelti iki pvz 12? Jokio.
Atrodo jau buvau perprates sistema, o dabar jaučiuosi kaip naujokas, kuris turi viska pradeti is naujo. Nebesuprantu ko reikia, kad rinktu taskus. Neaisku kaip apsiginti su taktikom. Kazkokia xuine.
Manau,, kad neteisingas sprendimas taip drastiskai viska pakeisti per viena sezona, nes dauguma kas zaidzia jauciasi pasimete. Pokyciai turi buti palaipsniui ir aiskus. Manau, kad zaidimas ne progresuoja, o regresas.
Labai gaila.
Taip ir norisi visus zaidejus atleisti, kristi i 6 lyga ir meginti adaptuotis su nauja sistema prie minimaliu nuostoliu, o ne prie dideliu algu. Arba mesti si zaidima
-- 89 S 4 d.
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Ne per 1 sezoną viskas pasikeitė. Naujas varikliukas buvo testuojamas nacionalinėje lygoje kelis sezonus. -- 89 S 4 d.
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Puikios naujovės! Gal ir yra spragų, bet viskas eina geryn. 7-8 žaidėjų komandos, buvo krepšinio parodija...
Pykstantys žmonės primena tuos, kurie pasiima paskolą ir skundžiasi, kad palūkanas reikia mokėti...
-- 89 S 4 d.
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Truputį nesąmonė, kad dingo taktikoje gynybos stilius. Gerai, akcentas yra gintis prieš geriausius įgūdžius turintį žaidėją, bet gal dar mano akcentas yra išsidėstyti zona, kad geriau dėl kamuolių pakovoti? Kodėl panaikintos standartinės taktikos? -- 89 S 4 d.
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MrJBJ....why i lost against a team with 4 player for 40minutes ?!?!?!!? tell me....and i have 9 players..... -- 89 S 5 d.
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spiderman The tiredness of your players are too high so basically you have almost no advantage from having more players -- 89 S 5 d.
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Maybe at the season start they can win with 4 players playing 40 minutes, but i hope this engine won't let them win in the middle of the season. -- 89 S 5 d.
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@ fanling3....the tiredness of my players was after yesterday game...they were all green before the match -- 89 S 5 d.
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Blackacid...maybe !?!?!?!?!?! you have to change when u are sure that all the things goes they can win & in the middle no ? this is not a regular season if so..... -- 89 S 5 d.
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The aim of the new game engine was to make everything more realistic. In some respects it has become .Teams that win by fielding only 4 players are not. -- 89 S 6 d.
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spiderman ... that is crazy as the team you played should have been winded during the 2nd and 4th quarters, yet they did better. I think the game is still not where it needs to be. -- 89 S 6 d.
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Hi, I have waited a few games, I have read many comments and my conclusion is that we do not know the game engine, the new game engine is to improve or to please part of the users. I´m totally disappointed with the game, my time and economy in helping to improve this game does not satisfy me as a user, it is my modest opinion -- 89 S 13 d.
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Nobody likes the new engine. To random and táctics with no influence at all. I tried same táctics with a colleague in 3 matches, same everything and results are opossite -- 89 S 13 d.
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A mi me gusta muchísimo -- 89 S 14 d.
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Gran desarrollo de opinión del nuevo motor, alguna explicacion que aclare por que te gusta muchísimo?, por curiosidad -- 89 S 14 d.
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For me it's being impossible to understand the new engine, and hard to discern how to set "defensive focus" because it happenned in several games that when defending shooters, the opponent got higher % in 3p or defending low post, the % of opponent's close range was even higher than his average. Does CS and DIQ work with the new engine? It seems that nobody defends with the new engine.
Why a player plays 35 minutes in one game and 18 minutes in other, if reccommended time and positions are the same for all the team in both matches, and there is no influence of fouls (in both matches 3 or less the players selected for the same positions)?
Whay if you set attacking low post, you take more 3p shots than close range shots, even if now zone defenses can't be set?
Another point, how is "shot quality ratio" calculated? Which skills from attacking and defending players and coaches are being considerated to estimate this "shot quality ratio"? It's being annoying seing how a 218cm player with good offensive skills for 3p shots (12 in jump and 3p, 11 in speed, 9 in dribling, 8 in passing and 10 in OIQ), is always shooting with a negative "shot quality", no matter which opponent is defending (height, skills or experience). Even with a "players skills ratio" of 4 or 5 and better coaches for the team that is attacking!!! In my opinion, SQ should be calculated considering players skills, not if a 218cm player is playing as SF, PF or C (Porzingis is a good example). If attacker skills are better than defender skills to generate the situation for shooting, he may shot with positive SQR.
I've read the help in the game's webpage and in the #shot-results topic in discord, and maybe i'm not as smart as other people, but even after reading, i continue not understanding how SQR works...

And the last point, why the atmosphere influence when playing at home now has been decreased so bad? It's being easier win a game as visitant than playing at home...
What i've said at the beggining, it's being impossible to understand the new engine, and it may cause the loss of interest for many users.
Sorry for the lenght of my writing, but i felt that i had to say it
-- 89 S 20 d.
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Same questions as mikecuc , its not possible to understand some points of the NE -- 89 S 20 d.
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mikecuc It is surprising that you ask why your 218 always has bad shot quality ratio but you can still reach WL2. I suggest you to read the help section 3 more times -- 89 S 20 d.
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Maybe you can teach me... ?
If the game is trying to be realistic, tall players with high speed, jump, Dribbling, OIQ and 3p, shall shot in better situations. I'm not questioning about the help section, I'm questioning that if the game is to be realistic, it must be realistic for everything
-- 89 S 20 d.
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It's not about skills. Look at your 218's position.
But I do agree forcing player position according to height is a bit outdated. 198cm Draymond Green can play C in real life.
-- 89 S 20 d.
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hi, after the last games I'm tired of everything, I've already assumed that the game is random, worse than the previous one, the new engine, tactics, tiredness, training, etc, is a big mistake, every day the game goes by it drifts, it's unreal, the defenses don't work, etc. I really appreciate the effort to improve and maintain Darius's game, but he must understand the users, every change he makes is a step behind the game. Example, today out of boredom I didn't do the tactic, they played randomly and I won, explain it to me, it doesn't deserve to study the teams, the results are random, the tactics are useless, etc.
I don't want to bother you anymore, I'll stay in the game because I have a job to do with the federation, etc, they've been collaborating for many years, but I'm very tired of everything that happens in the game, goodbye and good luck to those who have more confidence than me , it is my humble opinion
-- 89 S 21 d.
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Honestly we had similar messages when the previous ME were introduced. And the one before it. And it was quite what we expected with this update.

Some of you wrote that the ME is not the same as it was in the last season's national leagues. That is not true, that is exactly the same ME that you were testing the previous season.

The old tactics (that you miss) were completely removed from the new match engine a few seasons ago and we informed community about that at that moment.

Of course there will be updates regarding calibration of tactics and so on.
At the moment what we need from you is quality feedback and a bit of patience.

By looking at these messages I don't see any of these. If some of you writes a good feedback, there are big chances that it will be lost in all this noise.

So for those who really care - please send your suggestions as a “message to administration”.

Thank you.
-- 89 S 21 d.
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PG are having too many fouls than other positions. When you look at the league stat top ranking, like 80% of them are PG -- 89 S 24 d.
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About PG fouls it is totally ridiculous. -- 89 S 24 d.
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Ar planuojama gražinti zonines gynybas į žaidimą? :D nes dabar toks jausmas, kad turint 5 žaidėjus su 12C starte ir nepataikius neivieno tritaškio per visą sezoną galima laimėt lygą. Kažkaip pries sistemą mes čia einam. Taip pat klausimas dėl dvigubų licenzijų, kodėl negalim tokio dalyko turėt žaidime? jeigu jau keliam nuovargį, tai kodėl negalime turėti 1-3 žaidėjų kurie žaistų su dvigubom licenzijom tiek Youth League tiek Pagrindinėj komandoje. -- 89 S 24 d.
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By the commentary, it looks like Muli never got the ball back after the Free Thows.
Even if no ball exchange was done after the inbound pass, at least it should read:
0:00 Muli
It doesn't

4Q 0:08 Muli Team is trying to stop the clock with tactical foul
4Q 0:07 Muli Tactical foul (5 f ): M. Kalichan
4Q 0:07 Gyva Foul against: K. Rymolaitis
4Q 0:07 Muli logotipas Substitution out (fouls' limit exceeded): M. Kalichan ( PG)
4Q 0:07 Muli logotipas Substitution in: A. Crocchiolo ( PG)
73:75 4Q 0:07 Gyva logotipas Free throw: K. Rymolaitis
73:76 4Q 0:07 Gyva logotipas Free throw: K. Rymolaitis
4Q 0:00 Gyva End of the period
-- 89 S 24 d.
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we don't know which player stole the ball, or if it was travelling or a pass out of bounds:

4Q 0:49 PDM Player rushes to organize an attack: M. Šavija
4Q 0:47 Muli Pressing gave its fruits - ball stolen
4Q 0:47 PDM logotipas Ball lost: M. Šavija
4Q 0:40 Muli Player consumes time and holds attack: R. Paguinto
-- 89 S 24 d.
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