Coach information


This page contains information about the virtual game's character. Any coincidences with the real people (name, surname or other information) are accidental and unintended.

Player development coach

Personal information

Age: 69 y.
Nationality: lithuanian
Strength rate: 178


Training skills:
Tactical skills:

Contract information

Term 2 S
Salary 3 333 Eu

Market information

Minimum requested salary 3816 Eu
Icon Coach: Arunas Skvernelis (RT: 178)
-- 96 S 63 d.
Contract with coach extended
-- (Translate) (Translate EN)
Icon Coach: Arunas Skvernelis (RT: 178)
-- 96 S 59 d.
The coach accepted the contract, offered by your club
-- (Translate) (Translate EN)
Icon Coach: Arunas Skvernelis (RT: 178)
-- 96 S 12 d.
The coach accepted the contract, offered by your club
-- (Translate) (Translate EN)
Icon Coach: Arunas Skvernelis (RT: 178)
-- 96 S 1 d.
Club fired a coach
-- (Translate) (Translate EN)
Icon Coach: Arunas Skvernelis (RT: 178)
-- 95 S 63 d.
Coach changed team during limited market
-- (Translate) (Translate EN)