Communiqué de presse

Le club a reçu une invitation exceptionelle à la ligue
-- (Traduire) (Traduire EN)
special invitation for finishing in 12th place? Wow... I thought that last season, the team that finished in 11th place and bought a spot was, to put it mildly, odd. However, having an opportunity to buy a spot is totally fine, it's a reality, but I think we should have some limits.
By the way, do you know where the team that bought a spot last season is right now? That's right, they went right back down.
-- 100 S 61 j.
-- (Traduire) (Traduire EN)
I think this is a very ignorant and very offensive statement. This behavior is within the rules of the game. If you have opinions about the game content, please contact the game designer. -- 100 S 61 j.
-- (Traduire) (Traduire EN)
qupvvv Everyone is able to do the same by simply spending a... pizza? It is just not common to see this because most of the people are able to promote without paying, but you know... if you cannot, you can choose to pay (what else you can do?).... if you believe that's meaningful. -- 100 S 61 j.
-- (Traduire) (Traduire EN)
It is a fact, that a team ended up in 12th place and and the other fact that obviously bought a spot. How it is ignorant and offensive? -- 100 S 61 j.
-- (Traduire) (Traduire EN)
Am I violating any rules? If you are envious because players are willing to spend money to support the game and play by reasonable rules, isn't that ignorance and offense? Or should I applaud your statement? -- 100 S 61 j.
-- (Traduire) (Traduire EN)
fanling3, I totally agree with you, I do not say that it is against the rules or something like that. Money talks, that's it. But like I said, I think we should have a limit, for example, a spot can be bought if you reached at least TOP8. -- 100 S 61 j.
-- (Traduire) (Traduire EN)
I think this is a great game, so I am willing to support it and promote it. I would like to ask what you have done for the game? If you have better suggestions, they should be directed to the game designers, not expressed here through sarcastic remarks to gain a sense of presence, which is very impolite. -- 100 S 61 j.
-- (Traduire) (Traduire EN)
qupvvv I bought a special invitation in Season 92 and stay in WL2 untill now, and at that time, I was ranked 17th in WL3. I believe that ranking isn't the main point; what matters is how well you manage after being promoted. The special invitation is part of the game's mechanics, and anyone can choose whether or not to use it. You chose to pass on the opportunity, yet you criticize those who took advantage of it. I don't think that's setting a very good example. -- 100 S 61 j.
-- (Traduire) (Traduire EN)
qupvvv The good thing is at least you recognize it, and you know who is someone who deserve a respect, and who is just a... huehue. It's your freedom -- 100 S 61 j.
-- (Traduire) (Traduire EN)
Haley, I understand that sometimes it is hard to read three sentences because yout get offended after the first one and jumping into conlusions. But I will repeat nyself, "However, having an opportunity to buy a spot is totally fine, it's a reality, but I think we should have some limits." Could I express that to game designers? Of course.
What I have done for the game? I'm a regular premium user, to be fair, I spend additional credits to get promoted in the past (from 5th place), so in general I'm supporting the game the same as you are. But I do not hide behind the idea that I bought a spot in order to support the game, because it is not a support, it is a simple purchase of a service. If you want to support it, you can do it directly.
-- 100 S 61 j.
-- (Traduire) (Traduire EN)
OK, even though I have read your statement 10 times, I still believe that your statement is very disrespectful and lacking in etiquette. You can continue to express your arguments, but please learn to respect others first. -- 100 S 61 j.
-- (Traduire) (Traduire EN)
As for the remarks of that person who wants to obtain what they desire by breaking the rules, I will just skip over them. You are right, you are that... person -- 100 S 61 j.
-- (Traduire) (Traduire EN)
ak904, the main thing is that I do not critize people that take advantage of the rules that exist. Look, a disclaimer, I tried to buy a spot as well, but ended up short, so I'm in the same boat. My point is to show the loop in the rules which is legally fair, but from the logical point of you, not so much.
You can say that I'm mad because I lost, but in general this is my opinion, anyone can disagree with that and that's totally fine.
Haley, we can think what ever we want, that's fine. I still do not understand how it is disrespectful or even
unethical to express my opinion (statement as you call it). Even though you are ONE of the examples of the current situation, but in general situation is not about you personally. But you have a right to feel as you feel the same as I have a right to express my personal opinion.
-- 100 S 61 j.
-- (Traduire) (Traduire EN)
I express my views, first of all, there may be a gap in tone when expressed in different languages, and then there are cultural differences between both parties. I am not an expert on language issues; I am communicating with you through translation, and unfortunately, my language skills are quite limited. Furthermore, what makes me uncomfortable is that you chose to express your views under the news where I received the invitation, which is already aggressive. Then, you mentioned that ultimately it was the 12th place that received the invitation, and subsequently used a surprised interjection, only then adding that you think "this is reasonable."
Subsequently, you expressed that you just wanted to discuss whether the game rules were reasonable, but then added a "By the way....." This part felt like saying "I wish you could return to the original league next season." The way you expressed it was like stabbing the other person with a knife and then saying "Sorry, I didn't mean to" before turning around and stabbing them again.
-- 100 S 61 j.
-- (Traduire) (Traduire EN)
Even though there are obvious cultural differences (and it is not because of the language barrier, it is just common differences), but I think the translation is not right and, in some cases, even totally opposite.
But I will try to react point by point.
1. <..>what makes me uncomfortable is that you chose to express your views under the news where I received the invitation, which is already aggressive." Sorry that you felt that way, but the news about the invitation is public, anyone can react to it, it is not like something brought up from the personal messages. I will add once again, it is not about you, it is about the current situation which is, in my personal opinion, is not completely right and your example (which is one of many, including myself) is simply have impact on the other players, even though everything is completely by the rules.
2. "Then, you mentioned that ultimately it was the 12th place that received the invitation, and subsequently used a surprised interjection, only then adding that you think "this is reasonable." To be fair, I did not really understand this point. Maybe translation issue.
3. <..> then added a "By the way....." This part felt like saying "I wish you could return to the original league next season." The way you expressed it was like stabbing the other person with a knife and then saying "Sorry, I didn't mean to" before turning around and stabbing them again." This point has nothing to do with you, this was an example about the team from the previous season that bought a spot from 11th place and this season was demoted back. In addition, ak904 made very good example of himself while buying a promotion from 17th place and keep staying in that higher league till now, so it is totally opposite example. I think that is the most wrong translation + your interpretation from that translation.
-- 100 S 61 j.
-- (Traduire) (Traduire EN)
I can now understand what you are trying to express, but that was after a deep conversation where I realized you were giving your opinion on the matter, so I hope you can also understand why I was so angry at first. The rules of the game cannot be perfect; choosing to purchase an invitation may succeed or fail, but these are voluntary choices made by the buyers, aren't they? I think the reason for not adding restrictions when this rule was created might be that some people would choose to opt out of this invitation. So what would happen if everyone within the restricted group chose to opt out in the end? What kind of situation would arise? -- 100 S 61 j.
-- (Traduire) (Traduire EN)
What's the difference who gets the spot? It's already an extra spot in the league because of an inactive club. Just reach top 3 and you will get promoted, no excuses -- 100 S 61 j.
-- (Traduire) (Traduire EN)
Haley, Exactly, the rules of the games cannot be perfect, purchase an invitation is a voluntary choice (I tried that as well). So, everything in this situation is done by the rules. We can all agree on that, right? But my point is that this rule does not make a lot of sense (in other words, is not perfect) and maybe it could be with some additional restrictions. That's it, that's the point. You or anyone else can agree or disagree. The way how it could be restricted and what kind of potential circumstances it would create, is totally other topic, so let's not go deeper into that. -- 100 S 61 j.
-- (Traduire) (Traduire EN)
If Dubai club would buy place in Euroleague? It would be fair or not? -- 100 S 61 j.
-- (Traduire) (Traduire EN)
Kad Dubajus nusipirktu vieta Eurolygoj A licenzijos klubai nubalsuot turi dar, o cia Mirzos nuomones niekas neklausia -- 100 S 61 j.
-- (Traduire) (Traduire EN)
Nesuprantu kas cia per sarsalas. Kas turi pinigu tas uzsakineja muzika. Nusipirko vieta i wl2 ir viskas -- 100 S 61 j.
-- (Traduire) (Traduire EN)
Pas Zholenki biudzetas neribotas isvis -- 100 S 61 j.
-- (Traduire) (Traduire EN)
qupvvv kiek dar verkslensi?nusipirk ir tu kas tau trukdo?ziurek savo kiema ir maziau verk -- 100 S 61 j.
-- (Traduire) (Traduire EN)
andriuss, suprantu, kad daug skaitymo ypač kai knygą paskutinį kartą atsivertęs buvai turbūt 5 klasėj, o ir ta buvo spalvinimo knygelė, bet šiaip rekomenduoju paskaityti diskusiją. -- 100 S 61 j.
-- (Traduire) (Traduire EN)