Conferenze stampa

Notizie del gioco: BasketPulse stands with Ukraine
-- 86 Stag. 5 g.
BasketPulse stands with Ukraine!
Please, keep peaceful communication. We are all basketball fans - no matter which country we represent.
-- (Traduzione) (Traduzione EN)
Kaip tai no matter? Slava Ukraine! -- 86 Stag. 5 g.
-- (Traduzione) (Traduzione EN)
Conferenza stampa nascosta dai volontari della federazione o dagli aministratori -- 86 Stag. 5 g.
-- (Traduzione) (Traduzione EN)
We can still see Russian flag. -- 86 Stag. 6 g.
-- (Traduzione) (Traduzione EN)
Probably just your browser cache.
You can wait or clean it manually:
-- 86 Stag. 6 g.
-- (Traduzione) (Traduzione EN)
GM过去自己说的游戏里不搞政治,现在却自己带头在游戏里谈政治?GM自己打自己脸的双重标准真是让人失望! -- 86 Stag. 6 g.
-- (Traduzione) (Traduzione EN)
alphan pm what you wrote -- 86 Stag. 6 g.
-- (Traduzione) (Traduzione EN)
I am very sad for what is happening with ukrainians. I hope no more lifes are waisted any more for the shake of the wealthy people that wants more profits. You see,every war is political. Attacking Wars are made only for one reason... new teritories and more profit. This is what is called Imperialism and its the last stage of capitalism... Its very sad when people dont want to engage with politics they think that politics is bad. We have the power to change the world for a better one, without wars, and for every people to live peacfuly and without poverty.I am very sad becouse many Ukrainians didnt react the last years with all the bad things that have been happening in their country. No more WAR. No more Nazism. No more Genocides. -- 86 Stag. 6 g.
-- (Traduzione) (Traduzione EN)
There should be no political information in the game, the Game manager takes the lead in talking about politics in the game, the double standard is disappointing. -- 86 Stag. 6 g.
-- (Traduzione) (Traduzione EN)
I didn’t understand what disturbs anyone a saying about peace; why and by whom my message is hidden?.. -- 86 Stag. 6 g.
-- (Traduzione) (Traduzione EN)
War is not politic discussion. Kudos to the game administration for speaking up and prayers for our Ukranian brothers and sisters in these dark days. Let's hope the world will come back to its senses and stops this madness before it's too late. -- 86 Stag. 6 g.
-- (Traduzione) (Traduzione EN)
Conferenza stampa nascosta dai volontari della federazione o dagli aministratori -- 86 Stag. 6 g.
-- (Traduzione) (Traduzione EN)
An event of such scope and world-historical significance is certainly worthy of an exception, so that one may and also should talk about it.
However, I do not like the removal of the flags of Russia and Belarus. In my opinion, there are more than enough people in both countries who are also defamed by this.
I condemn any actions in which innocent people come to harm.
May the situation hopefully develop quickly to a good end for all parties.
However, I fear that this will not happen.

Regardless of all the terrible events, it is
amazing to read how differently the matter is viewed in different parts of the world.
In Lithuanian, fears are high that this is all just the beginning. If it continues, the Baltic States would be the next target. This is a scenario that no one really wants to imagine.
The attitude of Chinese people, if you read the first comments, seems to be less critical.

My humble opinion
-- 86 Stag. 6 g.
-- (Traduzione) (Traduzione EN)
This war is crazy. Personally I have nothing against Russia and Belarus, of course...but I understand in Lithuania the situation is seen with more fear and hostility against Russia, it's normal -- 86 Stag. 6 g.
-- (Traduzione) (Traduzione EN)
I disapprove of GM's approach, politics should not be brought into the game,hope for world peace -- 86 Stag. 6 g.
-- (Traduzione) (Traduzione EN)
Conferenza stampa nascosta dai volontari della federazione o dagli aministratori -- 86 Stag. 6 g.
-- (Traduzione) (Traduzione EN)
cmon xd, bet gi visiškai tolerantiškai buvo parašytas faktas... -- 86 Stag. 6 g.
-- (Traduzione) (Traduzione EN)
Can someone tell me why my comment was deleted? Have I said something wrong? My comment is neutral, saying that this is a game and it is a shame what is happening in the world. -- 86 Stag. 6 g.
-- (Traduzione) (Traduzione EN)
The person is described by his behavior. Not by his country.
The administration, FPC and volunteers should defend any user in the game equally. So there should be no bullying towards anybody.
If you see that someone violates this, please make “unfair behavior report”

By removing the flags we fully understood that there will be some criticism about this.
But at some point everybody should stand up and do what they can.
We believe that this situation could be avoided in many different ways if the world would have listened to what the Baltic states and Poland have been saying for the past decade.

You are correct. There was nothing wrong in your message. We will try to improve press moderating tools at some point to have more control over volunteers’ actions.
-- 86 Stag. 6 g.
-- (Traduzione) (Traduzione EN)
ok np, thanks for replying, I thought I had offended someone. -- 86 Stag. 6 g.
-- (Traduzione) (Traduzione EN)
To God and Keepsmile, this is not about political opinions, this is about violence and brutal behaviour - such killer cannot be tolerated - have you seen a video how a russian tank just crossed over a civilian car and it was done intentionally? A response must be given by decision makers as well as ordinary people in the world including citizens in russia who are protesting. -- 86 Stag. 6 g.
-- (Traduzione) (Traduzione EN)
Take away Canada's flags also then. Trudeau crossed the line. It was not the citizens, just the leader. Same with Putin. -- 86 Stag. 6 g.
-- (Traduzione) (Traduzione EN)
TheWizardKs - please, write me PM, I will show you videos of Putin's actions. You cannot compare it to any other country, as well as the Canadian situation. I believe, you will be convinced and will not write such nonsense about Ukrainians. Putin's regime should be considered as war criminals, they also start to use weapons that are against international law. So, please. -- 86 Stag. 6 g.
-- (Traduzione) (Traduzione EN)
As a belarussian, I kindly ask the administration of this Game to remove this current belarus Flag and will substitute it with our original white-red-white Flag.
I will be cincerely appreciate for that.
-- 86 Stag. 6 g.
-- (Traduzione) (Traduzione EN)
I feel deep disgrace for my country. It's a big shame for our people.
I can not imagine how can we clean from that...
-- 86 Stag. 6 g.
-- (Traduzione) (Traduzione EN)
Wolfy +100rep to you:) -- 86 Stag. 6 g.
-- (Traduzione) (Traduzione EN)
I applaud your decision. -- 86 Stag. 6 g.
-- (Traduzione) (Traduzione EN)
Guys, please don't compare military actions or war in different locations of the world... Any war is a heartbreaker.

But what is so different about todays actions in Ukraine is that this war is continuing for many years... And we can't say it is agains Ukraine... The reality is that it is against all democratic world and agains the global law. The thing is that the world wake up this week!
I don't even know when this war started as I am not good in history, but with years you start to read daily information what's going around. And you see how this war develops. Including other russian neighrouhood countries, including annexation of the Crimea (and few other regions) in 2014. Including rigged elections results in Belarus in 2020 and all human right vialations before and after them... Seeing all russian propaganda in the news... And knowing that country ideology and mentality of the leader, it will never stop until we have WW3 or russian people changes it inside the country. Todays actions shows that there is no more limits for Putin & russia and noone near is any more safe. That's why you can see whole world reaction to this war, including economic sanctions for russia (even including sports, media, music and etc.) and all kind of support for Ukraine.

-- 86 Stag. 7 g.
-- (Traduzione) (Traduzione EN)
看,蓝蓝的天,挥着白云向我们招手;听,潺潺的水,蜿蜒流下为我们歌唱;闻,淡淡泥香,是大自然引我们上路;这,才是生活,没有战争,没有硝烟;这,才是世界,永远和平! -- 86 Stag. 7 g.
-- (Traduzione) (Traduzione EN)
Conferenza stampa nascosta dai volontari della federazione o dagli aministratori -- 86 Stag. 7 g.
-- (Traduzione) (Traduzione EN)
Big applause for you Wolfy! -- 86 Stag. 7 g.
-- (Traduzione) (Traduzione EN)
Heroyam slava -- 86 Stag. 7 g.
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Conferenza stampa nascosta dai volontari della federazione o dagli aministratori -- 86 Stag. 7 g.
-- (Traduzione) (Traduzione EN)
Conferenza stampa nascosta dai volontari della federazione o dagli aministratori -- 86 Stag. 15 g.
-- (Traduzione) (Traduzione EN)
Slove Ukrainai !!! -- 86 Stag. 25 g.
-- (Traduzione) (Traduzione EN)
I disagree with you -- 86 Stag. 28 g.
-- (Traduzione) (Traduzione EN)
Thank you. It will be nice to see Ukraine players/coaches with +50 in the scout. -- 86 Stag. 37 g.
-- (Traduzione) (Traduzione EN)
Kai žaidžiu prieš rusą, live žiūrint varžybas, rodo chuilo vėliavą vistiek. -- 86 Stag. 37 g.
-- (Traduzione) (Traduzione EN)
Tai ko ziuri live, skelbk boikota, parodyk ka tu gali :) -- 86 Stag. 37 g.
-- (Traduzione) (Traduzione EN)
boikotą kam, chuilo? -- 86 Stag. 38 g.
-- (Traduzione) (Traduzione EN)
nelabai tavęs supratau, banane -- 86 Stag. 38 g.
-- (Traduzione) (Traduzione EN)
Conferenza stampa nascosta dai volontari della federazione o dagli aministratori -- 86 Stag. 38 g.
-- (Traduzione) (Traduzione EN)
Conferenza stampa nascosta dai volontari della federazione o dagli aministratori -- 86 Stag. 38 g.
-- (Traduzione) (Traduzione EN)
Neverk, banane -- 86 Stag. 38 g.
-- (Traduzione) (Traduzione EN)
nu kad norisi verkt, neteisybe siaubinga :( kaip daba gyvent siam zaidime reiks... -- 86 Stag. 38 g.
-- (Traduzione) (Traduzione EN)