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Nikita Łahut Лице

flag Nikita Łahut

Ќе го избере клубот во следната сезона

Не спремен
Не спремен
28 вг.
180 см (5' 11'' )
Проценка на сила (ПцС):
Предвидена највисока точка на ПцС:
Прв тим:
Wawelskie Smoki


Здравствена состојба
Вештини за атлетска способност:

Информации за пазарот

Ќе го избере клубот во следната сезона
Минимална барана плата 9 526 Eu
Icon Играч: Nikita Łahut (ПцС: 238)
-- 101 С 8 д
Клубот раскина договор со играч
-- (Преведи) (Преведи EN)
Icon Тргување/размена/Играчи ставени за позајмица: LatBallers & Huragan
-- 101 С 1 д
Тимот на клубот даде понуда за тргување/размена
-- (Преведи) (Преведи EN)
Прикажи скриени одговори: 7
This trade on paper looks far worse then it actually is.

Gorski – 10pot big, yet, undersized and with terrible health inner (-50%). Due to the way he has been trained, he will need full more ~4 seasons to improve in the needed areas and become usable in WL1 or WL2. In the end, his efficient seasons will last from age 25 to 30, max 31 – those are 6 max, far from what those could have been.

Together with Polish manager Gniewko, we have discussed the terms of this trade all offseason. My original offer involved 8-pot 360 RT peak youngster and Wu, which is the young/tall/perfectly trained center that the user has burrowed from me previously (thus, he knew the skills already):

This offer was not accepted, as Gniewko was looking for atleast 2 tall Bigs with BOTH good contracts and perfect skills. Because of that, I involved both Wu (again, perfect in age/height/contract/skills combo for any WL2 or WL3 team, no unnecessary skills keeping salary down) and Geo (tall big, needed skills, with contract below min salary). On top of that, Gniewko was looking for youth potential to stimulate this, and I had to involve either 2 7-pots or 1 8pot (I chose first option). Finally, to meet all the requirements, Polish user added salary filler on his side, which is liability on both sides that will be fired by me ASAP.

All in all, this trade works on both sides – I reduce the amount of players and gain someone that could potentially help me in following seasons, while Gniewko gets both fire-power now to fight for TOP3 in WL, as well as youth guys to use in the future. In my eyes, this is win-win and nothing else.
-- 101 С 2 д
-- (Преведи) (Преведи EN)
Ова тргување/разменување беше пријавено како нефер. Сепак, Фер плеј комисијата одлучи дека ова тргување/разменување е фер. -- 101 С 3 д
-- (Преведи) (Преведи EN)
How the Fair Play Committee members voted:
- volunteers voted "Revert and punish": 0
- volunteers voted "Revert": 3
- volunteers voted "Fair": 7

These reasons were chosen by the volunteers during voting:
3 - Suspicion that trade’s goal is to help one of the teams

-- 101 С 3 д
-- (Преведи) (Преведи EN)
Icon Играч: Nikita Łahut (ПцС: 238)
-- 96 С 63 д
Играч префрлен во Младинскиот тим
-- (Преведи) (Преведи EN)
Icon Играч: Nikita Łahut (ПцС: 238)
-- 96 С 63 д
За време на лимитираниот пазар играчот го смени тимот
-- (Преведи) (Преведи EN)
Icon Играч: Nikita Łahut (ПцС: 238)
-- 96 С 42 д
Играчот го прифати договорот, понуден од вашиот клуб
-- (Преведи) (Преведи EN)