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Вести од играта: Преглед на сезона 89
-- 89 С 63 д
Review of the last season!
-- (Преведи) (Преведи EN)
I did not get very much new shape system. Hope I'm not the only one.
So they'll get more or less tired from the game, but also will "recover" or "get more tired" to compensate that? Or is there something I am missing
-- 90 С 1 д
-- (Преведи) (Преведи EN)
Nobody understand shape system -- 90 С 1 д
-- (Преведи) (Преведи EN)
First of all, congrats to Mirza to your second championship!
Secondly, I understand it that the users will be able to distribute between -3 to +3 shape points for each player every day - will this option be available in the training section or somewhere else?
-- 90 С 1 д
-- (Преведи) (Преведи EN)
I think users can change the shape only by adjusting the playing time, not directly distribute the shape points.
Does a almost prepare shape on the first day means all players will get a bad training on the first day?
-- 90 С 1 д
-- (Преведи) (Преведи EN)
My whole team is now collectively "almost prepared" after playing a game where almost all of them played a very acceptable number of minutes. Only 2 of them were somewhere in the 60%, and one was green, the rest were all ~50%. So what more do I do to preserve their shape at this point? -- 90 С 1 д
-- (Преведи) (Преведи EN)
You said perfect shape is inbetween 40 to 70, can I assume players are all 39 in day 1? -- 90 С 1 д
-- (Преведи) (Преведи EN)
Apologies, should have thoroughly read the news first. -- 90 С 1 д
-- (Преведи) (Преведи EN)
dwayne3 so we Lost training points the first day or even a few days? This is a nonsense -- 90 С 1 д
-- (Преведи) (Преведи EN)
david1992 yes, or even more days. Why are we having shape the whole season to lose points at the beggining. Who has this terrible idea? -- 90 С 1 д
-- (Преведи) (Преведи EN)
zurda10 ulipulido ReZeev david1992 The users can adjust the shape only by giving more or less minutes for the players. So in the beginning of the season it would make sense to give as much playing time as possible to the most important players so they get ready for the season.
fanling can't give you the exact number, sorry. You will find out quick by yourself. :)
ulipulido yes, the players will receive less training points. However, the shape influence on training has been heavily decreased.
-- 90 С 1 д
-- (Преведи) (Преведи EN)
Ok, I guess we'll just have to see what happens. What about school players dwyane3? Do they have to stay unprepared the whole time? I would suggest not taking shape for them into account at all. -- 90 С 1 д
-- (Преведи) (Преведи EN)
Exactly, base on informations in this entry, players from main and youth team potentially could get +8 to shape (+3 from player natural tendency and +5 from playing time), while players in school could only get +3, that's huge difference. -- 90 С 1 д
-- (Преведи) (Преведи EN)
RaZeev jopenzjusz great point. The training works different for the school players, no need to worry. They should be in the top shape in the first week of the season. With the last season updates on training the training effectiveness has probably even increased slightly. -- 90 С 1 д
-- (Преведи) (Преведи EN)
I expect to see a whole lot of surprising results and upset at the start of the season.
And a lot of injuries in the end of the season.
Can you confirm if injurues are always affected by player's shape?
If so, the injury bug will be for too tired players or too little also?
Because if player can get injured for not being in shape, it can happen today too!

I'm glad that I planned for an easy season by losing every game I have on schedule, tanking a season is a worthwhile strategy here and now
-- 90 С 1 д
-- (Преведи) (Преведи EN)
I would not be surprised if this system would be reverted mid way during the season. As it could bring a lot of chaos. If not, teams with 10+ players might have good chances to win championships -- 90 С 1 д
-- (Преведи) (Преведи EN)
I support the new engine. The changes will slow down gradually while the system is improving and we are adapting.
Hope GSW small-ball 5out three pointers, and Nugget Jokic playmaking big, are both available to be trained and shown in game efficiently.
-- 90 С 1 д
-- (Преведи) (Преведи EN)
Everyone is playing twin towers. We want more flexble playstyles to run. -- 90 С 1 д
-- (Преведи) (Преведи EN)
You told us to have more players using less minutes to avoid tireness...and now you told us to give more minutes to have good shape. Everyday and new things, opposite than you told us before -- 90 С 1 д
-- (Преведи) (Преведи EN)
ulipulido, you only need to give them more minutes in the start of the season, because players will be less prepared for the season after the "season break". And when you get them in perfect shape you will have to manage their minutes. -- 90 С 1 д
-- (Преведи) (Преведи EN)
Not all athletes f off during off season. Some have self determination and would NOT show up in bad shape!!! -- 90 С 1 д
-- (Преведи) (Преведи EN)
kalakalas but if they told us to have more players, we do not have enough minutes to give them and have good shape asap. Is a Nosense. I do not understand why shape its not perfect at the beginning of the season, all are Doncic style eating donuts the whole summer -- 90 С 1 д
-- (Преведи) (Преведи EN)
it is not very correct that you say one thing, and then at the beginning of the season you do the opposite.
I will have 10 players available, but I can't give high minutes to everyone.
-- 90 С 1 д
-- (Преведи) (Преведи EN)
movida :D thats my point -- 90 С 1 д
-- (Преведи) (Преведи EN)
In today's friendly game I put all the team settings for lowest fatigue, and my player still gets 92% fatigue only in 27 minutes?! -- 90 С 1 д
-- (Преведи) (Преведи EN)
yes yes, its unbelieveble, becouse your player,xeedas1, is 24y :) -- 90 С 1 д
-- (Преведи) (Преведи EN)
Almost all my players with 100 fatigue, even players with 19 minutes -- 90 С 1 д
-- (Преведи) (Преведи EN)
I understand “season break”, but NBA has preseason games to help players get back in shape, not sure about Euro-league, but I think they should have that too? Also if we want to simulate the “season break” to make the game more realistic, making players as tired as they can be to push them in a perfect shape is nothing realistic, even a 100% tiredness couldn’t make all players get back in perfect shapes. -- 90 С 1 д
-- (Преведи) (Преведи EN)
game creators always like to compare this game with reality, but this tiredness thing is just insane lol from now on i think my 24yo nominal player could not even play all season steady 24 minutes a game lol -- 90 С 1 д
-- (Преведи) (Преведи EN)
for many many seasons, like 10 years of Real Life, we managers had the daily task of adjusting training intensity to compensate for game's tiredness. A daily routine which i enjoyed to do, every day more or less at the same time.

Now, Admins tell us we must manage tiredness adjusting minutes played.
After one game, i say: in theory it would work. It's about changing one number a day, for every player on the roster. isn't it?
Well, F@#$! NO!
Admins forgot that minutes played are not determined by us managers!
Fouls out will screw up many plans (i had one Foul out today).
Opponent's tactics will certainly screw my tiredness management.
Not to mention that minutes allocated were a bit random in the first place.

So, not only i am supposed to dedicate much more time to my daily routine.
More importantly, if i want to have my players in top form for an important game one week in the future.... i must consider an endless number of variables (many of which unknown to me) to do it right. Rocket science basically.

-- 90 С 1 д
-- (Преведи) (Преведи EN)
Looking for hints on how to improve shape/training for basketball school members. Anyone? -- 90 С 2 д
-- (Преведи) (Преведи EN)
dwyane3 Why is there no individual adjustment for DNP players, they are all -2. In fact it should be -5 or +1 -- 90 С 2 д
-- (Преведи) (Преведи EN)
Interesting, player 69 tiredness +5 on shape and boom shape change...
player 98 tiredness +8 shape nope no change...
is that not prepared shape thingy is random for every player?
-- 90 С 2 д
-- (Преведи) (Преведи EN)
A psychedelic state -- 90 С 2 д
-- (Преведи) (Преведи EN)
Many confusing changes in the last two seasons, but this one might be the worst of them all. You're ruining the game. -- 90 С 2 д
-- (Преведи) (Преведи EN)
Cia jau visai su logika prasilenkta.visi zaidejai pavargo beveik 100%.nepavargo tik tie kurie zaide apie 10min.tai kad ir turint 12 zaideju komandoj neimanoma duot visiems lost po 10 min.kad nepervargtu.bet kokiu atveju zaidejai bus pavarge.vienu zodziu per du sezonus zaidima tiek nuvaret i zema lygi kad neber jokiu malonumu zaisti.taktiku nustatymai neveikia.treniruociu intensyvumo nebesureguliuosi. -- 90 С 2 д
-- (Преведи) (Преведи EN)
https://www.basketpulse.com/en/Team/57243/description "Why is there no individual adjustment for DNP players, they are all -2. In fact it should be -5 or +1 "

maybe i can aswer this:
-5 for not playing
+3 for the automatic adjustment toward the optimal shape
total for the day is -2

same way that a 100% tired player is getting +5 and +3 for a total of +8 for the day
-- 90 С 2 д
-- (Преведи) (Преведи EN)
Frankebasta Because last season the DNP player was -2, I was preconceived to think this was not modified. But after I posted I realized it could be -5+3. Anyway, thanks for the reply and good luck! -- 90 С 2 д
-- (Преведи) (Преведи EN)
We have had many seasons of many changes. I regret that it has not been mentioned to modify some unfair things such as the choice of venues in the World Cups or the terrible effectiveness of the training that countries with few teams have in the national league. disappointing.
Many of the changes that were resisted by managers were justified by saying that it was to achieve greater realism. on the other hand, there are other changes that insist on maintaining and take away realism. I don't see why a player can't endure a whole season playing 30 minutes a game.

I suggest a survey to find out how things are going, according to the managers' point of view. A simple survey that has 2 options. Was the game better 10 seasons ago or is it better now?
-- 90 С 2 д
-- (Преведи) (Преведи EN)
it definetelly not be any pool, because game creators will say that users voted for new game engine -- 90 С 2 д
-- (Преведи) (Преведи EN)
Ačiū dwyane3 už LT apžvalgą -- 90 С 2 д
-- (Преведи) (Преведи EN)
Ir uz basketpulse himna for sure -- 90 С 2 д
-- (Преведи) (Преведи EN)
P. S. Gal kas galit imesti nuoroda? Noriu uzsikrauti naujam sezonui varginanciam energijos -- 90 С 2 д
-- (Преведи) (Преведи EN)
https://youtu.be/XBjJfNABCiU visada prašom, drauguži -- 90 С 2 д
-- (Преведи) (Преведи EN)
tikras helloweenas taip baisu dar niekad nebuvo .... :D:D:D -- 90 С 2 д
-- (Преведи) (Преведи EN)
Dėkui. O kas ta diana mikulenaite kazin xdd -- 90 С 2 д
-- (Преведи) (Преведи EN)
Few points that I believe we failed to explain:
You should not worry about players in the school. Once they reach the middle of the excellent, the shape won`t be moving in any direction and it will stay perfect until the end of the season.

You may see a bit worse training because players' shape is not excellent. Once they are in excellent shape, training will be similar as last season.

In order to reach excellent shape, you don`t need many days. Some of the players already are in excellent shape and the rest will be in a few upcoming days

When the shape becomes excellent, you will still see the shape moving fast until it reaches the middle of the excellent. That way we won`t have “chaotic” moving of shape forwards and backwards as it was last season.

Overall training should not change much compared to the system that was a few seasons ago. But we definitely plan to review this at the end of the season and in case overall training effectiveness is smaller, we will make the required changes.

Players are getting tired faster than in the previous season because of their shape. Once they have excellent shape, they will have similar tiredness as the last season.

Player shape always moves a lot faster towards the middle of “excellent” than towards “tired” or “not prepared”. So once you reach the middle of “excellent”, the moving will be a lot slower.

As shape now does not have effect neither for injuries nor for health, having not perfect shape is not something very bad (if you forgot, you may read the earlier news article where we informed about it).

As for “increased workload” for users it is a bit opposite. In the previous system, in case of a few days vacation you risked to damage players’ health, get injuries and so on. In the current system if you have a team with a full roster, you can simply set all players equal playing time and go for a vacation for one week without worrying that one player will be in bad health after that week. But teams with small roster will definitely have more issues and that is as it was planned.

We have also informed the community that from this season players’ shape won’t be reset to excellent. Initial plan was to “reduce” shape, but after testing we find out that this way is not logical - as that way only tired players will start the new season with “excellent” form. So we decided that it would be the best to use “reset” instead of “reduce”. I think in the future we can update this and give the possibility for some players to start the season in excellent or even tired shape - based on what player did at the end of the season.

In case some of you missed the article from the previous season about these changes:

The direction we are going (teams’ rosters with more players) was announced earlier many times, including the last season in news article.
Teams with more players should be able to handle this situation quite easily. Teams with less players or with many veterans will have more issues.
-- 90 С 2 д
-- (Преведи) (Преведи EN)
a-darius when you say "In order to reach excellent shape, you don`t need many days. Some of the players already are in excellent shape and the rest will be in a few upcoming days" could you be more specific? Because after first friendly I have a player who got 88% tiredness who got into perfect shape, while the others (all except one above that %) didn't reach that status.

Thank you.
-- 90 С 2 д
-- (Преведи) (Преведи EN)
a-darius: "Few points that I believe we failed to explain:"

I agree with you, 100%
-- 90 С 2 д
-- (Преведи) (Преведи EN)
Thank you, Darius - it is a lot clearer now. Overall, despite all criticism, I believe the game is headed in the right direction with the changes, and after a few seasons of tweaking I believe the game will be more interesting than before with the standard tactics every strong team used ... -- 90 С 2 д
-- (Преведи) (Преведи EN)
I agree, heading the right direction.
Before I could just put one tactic for whole season and login next year.
-- 90 С 2 д
-- (Преведи) (Преведи EN)
If bad shape means training less, in certain cases it can be even more harming than losing health -- 90 С 2 д
-- (Преведи) (Преведи EN)
Yeah, not sure how I am supposed to improve my youngsters with this new system, noone wants to loan 120-140 VK players and now they'll be in bad shape whole season. -- 90 С 2 д
-- (Преведи) (Преведи EN)
If you come up with this idea.. then add physical training to options. Or if you are training health -> physical condition is also included -- 90 С 3 д
-- (Преведи) (Преведи EN)
Just to make sure, did we use "reduce" this season? I assume it means reducing all players' shape points by the same amount, and "reset" means reset all players' shape points to an exact number. Then I think "reset" would be better because in this way, we have a better idea of how to adjust player's playing time and tactics to help them catch up in shape. I also suggest that school players should improve faster in shape because we cannot let school players play in games to improve their shapes faster. -- 90 С 3 д
-- (Преведи) (Преведи EN)


the new games turnovers is too terrible to watch,most of them are like this:
Deflection - due to better player's skills: L. Xi
1Q 8:17 答案 Player let the ball out of bounds: S. Pikūnas
1Q 8:17 答案 logotipas Ball lost: S. Pikūnas

first of that,the pg offense skills is 11-12-12,but so easy to lost the ball.and others show that even pg offense skills is 12-14-14,it's the same easy to lost ball.
who can tell me why?you can review the two link of match above
-- 90 С 3 д
-- (Преведи) (Преведи EN)
Frankebasta the shape does not effect neither injuries nor health anymore, as described in the previous article. https://www.basketpulse.com/en/News/article/630f24095221c/coaches-and-training-updates
fungtys thanks, that's our goal - to have more different player types being efficient in our game.
ulipulido yes, you will need more players over the whole season to avoid players being too tired. In the beginning of the season it might be slightly more challenging to get them into the shape but as you can see, number of players are in a perfect shape already.
Movida it makes sense you can't give high minutes to all the players for the whole season. On the other hand, you may use the tactics to get the players get tired fast even playing 17-20 minutes.
xeedas superdzonis andriuss he got tired faster because he is out of the shape. As Darius mentioned, once the player gets into good shape, the fatigue will be as last year.
david1992 It makes sense that the players are not in the top shape in the beginning of the season, just the way it is in real life. We will look into how to make the shape in the beginning of the season less caused by complete randomness. As you can see the players are already in a good shape after a few games.
shortdog we will look into the shape of the school players in more detail, we will probably make them get into the shape faster.
coldmeow DNP player's shape is moving towards the perfect shape despite the playing time by 3 points due to individual players' effort. If the players will be tired, individual efforts will cause the shape points to decrease by 3 instead.
bananajohn zurda10 david1992 yes, every player's shape is in the almost ready status. The status consists of shape points, f.e. in the interval of 20 to 40 points. Every player got randomly allocated shape points in the interval, therefore some players may need less points to get to a good shape than others. We will look into this part of the game as we want less randomness included and we want to have players in different shapes starting the season.
JeroDel8 Player may play ±30 minutes in some games but if that is the case in every single game of the season, he will get tired. You may save the energy of the player in NL or other less important games as is done in real life, f.e. Larkin played ±30 minutes in Euroleague and 23 minutes in Turkish Super League last season.
I understand that changes causes pushback, it is a natural reaction. We actively communicate with the community and address the concerns constantly.
Partizanas no problem :)
xeedas1 it may make sense to have a youth team to get these youngsters some playing time.
keepsmile thanks for sharing, we will look into this in more detail.
-- 90 С 3 д
-- (Преведи) (Преведи EN)
We can't have a youth team in lower divisions. -- 90 С 3 д
-- (Преведи) (Преведи EN)
dwyane3 I would like to know how GMs understand "in the almost ready status"? The example you gave in your reply is 20-40. But we have players who have been +8 for three days in a row and have not turned green. That means their initial shape is less than 16. How do you explain this? What exactly is the true random range of the initial shape? Don't tell me it's 0-40, that's ridiculous! -- 90 С 4 д
-- (Преведи) (Преведи EN)
It doesn't seem a lot in one day, but if a school player was allocated a low shape points, it could cost him some training points until he gets back in a perfect shape, especially for a high potential talent. So I hope you can adjust it to avoid such randomness. -- 90 С 4 д
-- (Преведи) (Преведи EN)
a-darius dwyane3 School players shouldn't be started by not-prepared. They didn't play any game in the last season and their shape shouldn't have any change. It doesn't make sense to decrease their shape. -- 90 С 4 д
-- (Преведи) (Преведи EN)
xeedas1 you may start a youth team in WL4.
coldmeow I cannot give you the exact numbers, but it is certainly not 0 - 40. You may need to wait a few days and the player will be in a good shape, I would not worry too much about it.
david1992 ak904 yes, we are planning to increase the time school players are getting into the shape. They should get into the shape at the same speed as non-school players and we will make adjustments.
-- 90 С 4 д
-- (Преведи) (Преведи EN)
I think you mean decrease the time? Thanks for spending time to answer all the questions. -- 90 С 4 д
-- (Преведи) (Преведи EN)
Yes, by getting faster increase in shape the time of reaching good shape will decrease. -- 90 С 4 д
-- (Преведи) (Преведи EN)
Instead of tiredness shenanigans, the focus should be on GE. Current GE is simply put - broken. Makes no sense, every update makes it worse. IMO we could list 10 problems here very easily to the point where it all becomes just random. -- 90 С 4 д
-- (Преведи) (Преведи EN)
mucko, thanks for the feedback. What bothers you most? We are constantly working on making the ME work the way it is supposed to. -- 90 С 4 д
-- (Преведи) (Преведи EN)
Well, perhaps I understand this GE wrong, but this game for example: Утакмици
My players had significantly higher offensive skills than his and yet they lost many more balls (more turnovers). Playmaking does not seem to make sense anymore. Also suspiciously many fouls of my best players with good defensive skills. And what's wrong with shooting positions that there are no close range shots (and trust me, I had settings for my pf/c to shoot)? I had a normal offense here.
-- 90 С 4 д
-- (Преведи) (Преведи EN)
I have a player got +28 in shape for the past four days and he is still not in perfect shape. If it is the case for a high-pot school player, it means it could take ten days or more for him to be a perfect shape, and he would lose about 100 training points due to bad shape... -- 90 С 5 д
-- (Преведи) (Преведи EN)
Here is what many NBA players play for minutes per game ( this year ): https://www.espn.com/nba/stats/player/_/stat/minutes -- 90 С 5 д
-- (Преведи) (Преведи EN)
TheWizardKs Lithuania plays European basketball -- 90 С 5 д
-- (Преведи) (Преведи EN)
I have a player with +24 in shape and my franchise player +20, and both in bad shape. Im losing a lot of training points, that the most stupid idea ever, more than 30 seasons trying to not be even a one day on bad shape and now we have to Lost this points because you want it -- 90 С 5 д
-- (Преведи) (Преведи EN)
david1992 thats true, you spent a lot of money scouting, a lot of time keeping the shape...and now its over. Every season we have to Lost 4-10 days -- 90 С 5 д
-- (Преведи) (Преведи EN)
https://www.basketpulse.com/en/Team/34144/description this is a solid point: the loss of training will happen EVERY season. for a 16yo it means 15 times over the course of his career. That's big. Too sad -- 90 С 5 д
-- (Преведи) (Преведи EN)
mucko we will look into the amount of the turnovers in the game. Plenty of players may foul out in a single game due to individual and both teams' tactical settings, on average the players that have fouled out in this game foul ±3 times per game, meaning they have fouled less in the other games. If the opponent has chosen to focus on low-post defence, the big guys might have struggled to get the ball inside, therefore more threes were attempted than twos.
david1992 as mentioned previously, we will look into the school players shape, it will be increased.
ulipulido I understand this is a frustrating situation, on the other hand if the players get big minutes and get tired in every game they will be in a good shape quick. At this point I have 8 of 11 players in a good shape already, the 3 remaining players are bench players.
-- 90 С 5 д
-- (Преведи) (Преведи EN)
5 days and +26 shape points my franchise player keeps in bad shape. FAIR! -- 90 С 5 д
-- (Преведи) (Преведи EN)
also have few players with 20+ shape points and still in bad shape -- 90 С 5 д
-- (Преведи) (Преведи EN)
What is the "best" value of the players'shape?
Some of my players get +0 today after turning green with a large increase previously
Does this mean a very narrow range of the green shape?
-- 90 С 6 д
-- (Преведи) (Преведи EN)
smart0ddie from previous communication it does seem like the lower change you get the closer your player is to being at perfect shape. So I would say your +0 players are almost at perfect shape.
Would also like to add that after 4 games my whole team (minus one player I only use in national games) are back up to excellent preparation. If you have enough players it should really not be that hard to do.
-- 90 С 6 д
-- (Преведи) (Преведи EN)
I have read this thread and the previous one linked to last year. No where does it say that teams with YT roster more than 12 will have players NEVER going to green shape. So I guess NBA teams do not have players with no minutes and are in bad shape. Wait...no that is not correct. The teams still have practices and physical workouts, and these do more for shape than the games they play. And if I try to release these players in bad shape they want three times ( x3 ) their salaries. The game is NOT going in the right direction IMO. -- 90 С 13 д
-- (Преведи) (Преведи EN)
Crickets. Just as I expected from the Administration. Shameful. -- 90 С 14 д
-- (Преведи) (Преведи EN)
ulipulido superdzonis unfortunate indeed, we will review this part on how to have players in different shapes in the beginning of the season.
smart0eddie the middle value is 55, good shape is between 40 and 70 points. When the player reaches 55 points, he will do everything possible to stay as close to 55 as he can.
TheWizardKs sorry for the late reply, it's weekend in Lithuania as well as it is in the States. :) Yes, if the player does not play a single game in the season he will not get into shape. The least playing player (but playing) who averages 7 minutes per game is in a good shape. If you have 17 players in your youth squad you may need to consider lending some of the players or optimise the roster or playing minutes.
-- 90 С 14 д
-- (Преведи) (Преведи EN)
no disrespect to the opponent, but with almost the same tactics I was able to win in away game against another opponent, but here quite huge loss. I count 10 home court events and even 25 events from coach - has this effect been increased? Also I managed to steal 9 balls more, but my team made 8 more mistakes somehow. So overall, seems somewhat unbalanced outcome in result.
-- 90 С 18 д
-- (Преведи) (Преведи EN)
Gudrioji Lape seems like an OT game. :) Nothing has been changed with the influence of coaches, the events appear when the level of the coaches is somewhat different. The atmosphere effect has been increased this season and the amount of the events is directly linked to the percentage of atmosphere.
As for the turnovers, that is our current priority task and we are working to make them more balanced.
-- 90 С 18 д
-- (Преведи) (Преведи EN)
When can we expect any fixes in turnover matter? -- 90 С 18 д
-- (Преведи) (Преведи EN)
dwyane3 sorry, i put a wrong link to game, i meant about this Утакмици -- 90 С 18 д
-- (Преведи) (Преведи EN)
fortuzas yes, we are working on that currently, we will let the community know once we release an update.
Gudrioji Lape I think you should look into the game chronology yourself and analyse what might have caused the difference, we can't give you tactical advice. :)
-- 90 С 19 д
-- (Преведи) (Преведи EN)