conferência de imprensa

Icon Troca/Emprestando jogadores: CerealKill & Steamroll
-- 56 T 14 d.
Extremely busy day by the Snow Lions.
-- (Traduzir) (Traduzir EN)
Basically gave away a 326 at his peak PF on an excellent contract for a 26 y/o who he'll have to hope he can bring back in the offseason....oh yeah and he took on 15k in salary to do it -- 56 T 14 d.
-- (Traduzir) (Traduzir EN)
Also increased the main team salary to 242k a few hours before payday salaries. It looks very painful financially. -- 56 T 14 d.
-- (Traduzir) (Traduzir EN)
Stokerton has the same salary as Ertham. -- 56 T 14 d.
-- (Traduzir) (Traduzir EN)
Petrovic salary will grow up at least twice :) and Stokerton is a dead meat for that price.2pts scored,2,5 EP, +- 0 :/ -- 56 T 14 d.
-- (Traduzir) (Traduzir EN)
Stokerton will be sacked before the playoffs, so he is just an effective native player to help reach TOP16 and provide bench scoring. Petrovic is a better attacking option against Ertham. He is also way cheaper, so for the rest of the season he will be able to save up nearly 20k -- 56 T 14 d.
-- (Traduzir) (Traduzir EN)
how you calculate this all wrongly? he is not saving anything! 8 more weeks he pays 34k it is after these trades he pays 52k 3 weeks=156k then +34k release he and it is 190k,then 5 more weeks 18k=90k,so 190k+90k=280k,so in the end of the season he spends more 8k! so he is not saving anything! better attacking option? Petrovic scoring 6 points and Ertham 9 points? he lacks of defense and he trading the last one,the best defensive guy in the team :/ -- 56 T 14 d.
-- (Traduzir) (Traduzir EN)
Before the trade he had 4 bigs who were all with 35-40k salaries. It made sense to trade those to increase the amount of players. Now, your calculations are wrong. By this trade he increases his salaries by 15k, it continues for 3 weeks, sacking Stokerton on Sunday morning he only pays 3 salaries to him. And for he rest 4 weeks he saves 19k each week. In the end of the season he saves 31k by doing this trade and increases his chances to get to the TOP16. Then he will have a scoring big (stats are worse than Ertham, but skills and potentials are aimed at scoring, should he get more initiative and better shots, he would be a way better attacking big. Btw, his skills are hidden most of the part because of the approaching limited players market ;) -- 56 T 14 d.
-- (Traduzir) (Traduzir EN)
-- (Traduzir) (Traduzir EN)
Nu žmogus nusprendė susižlugtydi. Pasiėmė džonio žaidėją su kuriuo neįstengs pratęsti kontrakto, tada dar ir garsuojį 222 puolimo ekspertą :) -- 56 T 14 d.
-- (Traduzir) (Traduzir EN)
superdzonis,stop lying for others and for yourself just because you want to win this conversation. Mirza,he made smart move here,why? because Shua is terrible player and he has 5y contract :D he made trades before deadline,so after 3 weeks he can release this "offensive monster" and be happy with his mistake be solved :D -- 56 T 14 d.
-- (Traduzir) (Traduzir EN)
Maybe :) -- 56 T 14 d.
-- (Traduzir) (Traduzir EN)
Gedunex, where am I lying? Stop inventing your own calculating techniques just to prove this is a stupid move. -- 56 T 14 d.
-- (Traduzir) (Traduzir EN)
29m žaidėjas, 4m kontraktas, atl užkeltas vos ties 10, puolimas visas 9 :DDD ką su juo veikt kitą sezoną, kai atl ir gynyba pakris, o jo ūgis liks nedidelis? Ką tada veikt likusius 2 sezonus, kai jis bus išvis degradavęs? Ne pagal vk mainėm, ne pagal vk ir vertint reikia -- 56 T 14 d.
-- (Traduzir) (Traduzir EN)
tas shua tikrai nebuvo blogas, mačiau jo skilus. tikrai buvo galima padaryt gerą 2 wl žaidėją tai tikrai. o va iš to centriuko tai irgi durnizmas , mokėt algą iki 36d. ir negaut naudos. jaigu būtų blogas, tai būtų nusimainęs į kokį 1sez 30k žaidėją, manau būtų drąsiai atsiradę klubą norinčių jį pajimt :) taigi , paprasčiausiai jam pasirodė tas grybas c, labai geras ir perspektyvus :D -- 56 T 14 d.
-- (Traduzir) (Traduzir EN)
superdzonis,that man is not going to save any money,in the end of the season he is going to spend more then before the trades,so,yes,you are lying. -- 56 T 14 d.
-- (Traduzir) (Traduzir EN)
No, I am not, you are. If you can see the trade was 2 for 2, not 1 for 2 and Markeley was playing in his team nearly from the beginning of the season. He saves money and expands his rotation, what was the main point of the trades, as he has loads of money as I see from his actions in market and max sum to spend for salaries. -- 56 T 14 d.
-- (Traduzir) (Traduzir EN)
Thus I totally agree that accepting this trade before Sunday's money transactions was not the smartest move, I would have waited a few hours to save those 15k. But at the same time, he has a very important game today, so that is reasonable as well. -- 56 T 14 d.
-- (Traduzir) (Traduzir EN)