
Icon 交易/租借球員: Fung911 & Dzolis
-- 100 賽季 12 天
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交易後開始在新球隊比賽 -- 100 賽季 12 天
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交易後開始在新球隊比賽 -- 100 賽季 12 天
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球員: Hei Lun Chiang
交易後開始在新球隊比賽 -- 100 賽季 12 天
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球員: Wing Leung Yiu
交易後開始在新球隊比賽 -- 100 賽季 12 天
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交易後開始在新球隊比賽 -- 100 賽季 12 天
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交易後開始在新球隊比賽 -- 100 賽季 12 天
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交易已接受 -- 100 賽季 12 天
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Trading away two of my most important bigs for weaker, but ready to play bigs. As my bigs are better skilled, youth players were added to balance the trade out. -- 100 賽季 14 天
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Future exchanged for now. Dimitrije Kalčić has huge potential but he was not playing well in WL2.
This trade was reported right after the first win. Without the trade, it is clear that I cannot win that match.
-- 100 賽季 14 天
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Very fair trade lol -- 100 賽季 14 天
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Kai pamatai tokius mainus net nebesinori toliau žaist -- 100 賽季 14 天
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這筆交易被檢舉為不公平交易,但是公平競爭委員會決定這筆交易是公平的。 -- 100 賽季 14 天
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How the Fair Play Committee members voted:
- volunteers voted "Revert and punish": 0
- volunteers voted "Revert": 2
- volunteers voted "Fair": 9

These reasons were chosen by the volunteers during voting:
2 - Suspicion that trade’s goal is to help one of the teams

-- 100 賽季 14 天
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