

谈判起始 2022-09-14- 17:14
谈判结束 2022-09-14- 17:17
限制级别 7
Flavijus Jaseliūnas
薪水: 19516 Eu
合同: 2 季 年龄: 29 岁
RT: 262 身高: 216 cm.
潜力: 3
Nash Blount
薪水: 26750 Eu
合同: 1 季 年龄: 32 岁
RT: 285 身高: 205 cm.
潜力: 7
Icon 交易/租借球员: IDT & Hi5
-- 89 季 17 天
-- (翻译) (翻译 EN)
显示隐藏的回复: 3
To the FPC members!
I dont see why this trade could be reported. Anyways since someone did it, just want to tell why its benefitial for me. Since I started rebuild, I dont have a place for this center and want to get 1 season player instead. My salaries also dont meet minimum requirments, so not a big deal to increase it, since it wont go over the limit. Hope u guys understand :)
-- 89 季 18 天
-- (翻译) (翻译 EN)
这笔交易被举报不公平。然而,公平竞争委员会认为这笔交易是公平的。 -- 89 季 18 天
-- (翻译) (翻译 EN)
How the Fair Play Committee members voted:<br />
- volunteers voted &quot;Revert and punish&quot;: 0<br />
- volunteers voted &quot;Revert&quot;: 0<br />
- volunteers voted &quot;Fair&quot;: 9<br />
<br />
These reasons were chosen by the volunteers during voting:<br />
<br />
-- 89 季 18 天
-- (翻译) (翻译 EN)