

谈判起始 2023-04-07- 07:36
谈判结束 2023-04-07- 15:46
限制级别 10
flag Märten Randver
薪水: 4348 Eu
合同: 1 季 年龄: 16 岁
RT: 96 身高: 187 cm.
潜力: 8
Joaquín Avila
薪水: 31420 Eu
合同: 2 季 年龄: 32 岁
RT: 331 身高: 215 cm.
潜力: 5
Icon 交易/租借球员: Wolves & IAIGod
-- 92 季 33 天
-- (翻译) (翻译 EN)
显示隐藏的回复: 3
We have reached the purpose of this transaction. I want to increase the depth of the lineup. I paid for a young 8 potential player. The manager of the other side wants to reduce the salary of the players, in order to ensure the flexibility of the team's funds and get good future players. I think my transaction is fair. Similar transactions have happened many times in BP. -- 92 季 34 天
-- (翻译) (翻译 EN)
这笔交易被举报不公平。然而,公平竞争委员会认为这笔交易是公平的。 -- 92 季 35 天
-- (翻译) (翻译 EN)
How the Fair Play Committee members voted:<br />
- volunteers voted &quot;Revert and punish&quot;: 0<br />
- volunteers voted &quot;Revert&quot;: 2<br />
- volunteers voted &quot;Fair&quot;: 12<br />
<br />
These reasons were chosen by the volunteers during voting:<br />
2 - Suspicion that trade&rsquo;s goal is to help one of the teams<br />
<br />
-- 92 季 35 天
-- (翻译) (翻译 EN)