
-- 89 S 3 T.
Information about the upcoming changes in Training and Coaches system in News!
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
So there will be no skills and inner pots for them anymore? It will be entirely up to user to decide coach career path? -- 89 S 3 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
I would like to know if there is a retired player became coach, will he be more willing to sign up for the team which he played / been scouted? -- 89 S 3 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
If you are transferring players to coaches anyways It would be cool if your denom could progress into the teams coach upon retiring (if team wishes for it)....probably not a 10 potential etc. but something that could be eventually useful so that he stays within the organization (maybe a 7 or 8 potential)?? -- 89 S 4 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
When a team has to have more players, the base salary increases every season. Why does each update solve the problem with a new one? -- 89 S 4 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
One thing is unclear to me.
I'll quote from your article.

"Coaches will be split into three roles:

Main coach (one in the team)
Assistant coach (maximum 3 in the team)
Training coach (all other coaches)"

Does that mean there is one main coach per club or per team? So one in total or one for main and youth team of each club?
The same applies to the assistant coaches.
-- 89 S 4 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
Nothing changes with potentials. So coaches still have potential and inner potentials for each skills

This is still an open question.
Maybe it could be a good idea to give the same bonus as we are giving for scouted players/coaches.

Eventually we plan to have this. But we might simply not have enough time to bring this possibility during these updates.

Definitely per team. You will have different main coaches for the main team and youth team.
-- 89 S 4 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
Currently, the influence of assistant coaches during the game is very little according to the help page. We will be able to set the role of coaches in the new coach system, will it increase assistant coaches' influence on the games? -- 89 S 4 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
Why would we pay to send retired players to coaches if we get no benefit at all in the transaction? There should be a loyalty to the Team that has been his employer for years. -- 89 S 4 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
you write: "Definitely per team. You will have different main coaches for the main team and youth team"

what's the rationale to have a MAIN coach for the youth team? Not realistic at all.
After this update every team will have 1 main+3 assistent+ 4 training = 8 coach's
and 8 more in the Youth = 16 coaches.
Almost as many as the players.

Can't you realize that's TOO MANY?
and totally unrealistic foe basketball.
it would be too many for an American football team!
-- 89 S 4 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
You miss-understood something.
You don`t need to have 8 coaches. You can have one coach for main team and one coach for youth team. Nothing changes in that part.
-- 89 S 4 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
Some suggestions for Coach page:
- Players trained by that coach
- Players trained by that coach that had improvement jumps (and link to the player)
- Players trained by that coach that reached Men/U21/U18/U16 National Teams
-- 89 S 4 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
Hi mates, sorry for my noob question: where can I find this article about coaches (and, overall, about news of the game)? Thanks -- 89 S 5 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
gianlukk up at the top, first line under a-ramune - click that link -- 89 S 5 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
a-darius why is it you ignore some questions such as mine? -- 89 S 5 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
Punto 4.
Los entrenadores se verán animados a tener más jugadores.
Es posible?
Cómo se pagan esos salarios??
De dónde salen esos ingresos??
Se va a subir los ingresos de los equipos??
Es casi imposible mantener el salario de 8 jugadores, como se va a poder mantener 10 o 12 jugadores.?
Han pensado estás preguntas??
Para que sirven los entrenadores??
Porque no se eliminan?? Y que los jugadores entrenen en función a su potencial y su tiempo de juego y no en función de fórmulas extrañas.
Y que los resultados de los partidos sean en función de la táctica planteada por cada manager y los jugadores elegidos para ello, en vez de lo anterior más x nivel de entrenador.
Los entrenadores deberían desaparecer, no hacen falta para nada en el juego.
Nada más, ahí les dejo esas reflexiones que creo que son importantes para los usuarios que son los que mantienen el juego.
Un saludo
-- 89 S 5 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
Pradeta rasyt lietuviskai baigta angliskai... Nesusiskaite. Ryt reiks kartot.. :) -- 89 S 5 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
Why is the playing time of the players of the new engine always different from the setting, or even a big gap? -- 89 S 11 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
why is shooting percentage higher on 3pointers than on FreeThrows?
is it realistic???
-- 89 S 11 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
Free throws is bull**it now. Need some changes or need to improve all players free throws.. -- 89 S 11 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
What is the skill of the free throw shooter that you are unhappy with? -- 89 S 12 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
Free throw = 0.5 * mid_range + 0.4 * 3pt_range * 0.1 * close_range ?? Not 100% mid_range like now -- 89 S 12 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
dwyane3 skills doesn't matter. the problem is a GE which spits out FT% of less than 40% on the same player who shoots 50%+ on 3p..... totally unrealistic!
Instead of asking me if a Basketpulse player is a 2, o 3 or 4 in Midrange shooting , tell me a real life player with such a bad split between FT and 3p %
I'm sure there's never been anyone in real life, like NEVER
-- 89 S 13 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
Frankebasta Does the player has same value on mid range and three when you say "FT% of less than 40% on the same player who shoots 50%+ on 3p"? If not, your comparison is meaningless
It's also meaningless when you compare the player in game to players in real life. Because players in real life train free throw, but you don't train mid range in game that much
-- 89 S 13 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
fanling3 asinine comment. I'm not trying to understand why a player's% is. We all know Midrange is used for FT. We've been told as much.

I'm complaining that ME is unrealistic.
Which is a fact.
In the new ME we have low FT%, no blocks (and there's more blocks for SGs than Centers), too many fouls, Close range % are also way too high.

Again: I don't need to be told go train Midrange, I'm asking for a chamge in the ME
-- 89 S 13 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
If only everyone could have their own game engine...
I don't see any problem with free throws:
Skill 2m 12/3pt 11
FF89% /51% /48%
Skill 2m 6/3pt 12
FF50% /56% /52%
Skill 2c 12/2m 3/3pt 2
FF32% /68% /0%
-- 89 S 13 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
@ Frankebasta I don’t know what data backs you up but here is mine.
This a a player with 12 mid range. He got 92% in free throw
which is pretty close to real life stat in Euro league
This is a player with 4 mid range and he got 56% in free throw
which is pretty reasonable when you look at the Euro stat again.
You can also find the number of blocks and fouls in that website. The new engine is not perfect but at least do some research before you come to the conclusion “unrealistic”. That would help this game more.
I don’t care if you train mid range btw.
-- 89 S 13 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
One block and 20 turnovers a game doesnt' seem reasonable to me.

Again, I'm comparing FT% with 3p%

whoever is shooting 56% FT in real life, will not shoot 50% in 3p. Not real.
-- 89 S 13 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
@GM i want to know what is the matter with home matches,it is so easy to lose than away.the home and away is be setted opposite? -- 89 S 14 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
how am I supposed to play my denom player 40minutes a game now ? -- 89 S 15 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
na ka dabar zaidejai visada bus pavarge -- 89 S 15 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
Does this mean that optimal training at 60% fatigue? -- 89 S 15 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
panašu, kad žaidimo kūrėjų tikslas yra didintis realias pajamas pinigais. Po treniruočių atnaujinimų komandoje 7-9 žaidėjų jau tikrai bus per mažai, nes žaidėjai bus pavargę. Tad komandos vadovai tiesiog privalės didinti žaidėjų skaičių. Tai įmanoma 2 būdais: pirkti pigesnius, o tuo pačiu ir prastesnius žaidėjus; įnešti pinigus į žaidimą ir naudojantis jais pirkti daugiau ir brangesnių žaidėjų. Tai dar vienas iš daugelio žaidimo kūrėjų žingsnis atitolinant šį žaidimą nuo realių sąlygų. -- 89 S 15 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
koks skirtumas kiek zaideju komandoje. Paprastas pavyzdys 23 metu vardinis zaisdamas 24 minutes minimum gauna 60% nuovargio. Tai be intensyvumo nustatymu jo forma daznai bus pavarges ir del to teks mazinti jo minutes norint mazesnio nuovargio ir gaut optimalius taskus is treniruociu. Nelabai logiska, kad jaunas zaidejas negales islost normaliu minuciu. -- 89 S 15 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
plius su bloga forma nuovargis tik padides varzybose -- 89 S 15 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
tai kad forma sunkiai atsistato net maziau zaidziant -- 89 S 15 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
Tai neregistruosi kokiam NL mace ir atsistatys :D -- 89 S 15 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
tai siulai registruoti penkis zaidejus nu jo taktika siulai -- 89 S 15 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
siulau turet 12+ zaideju ir neregistruot kartais zaideju, norint pataisyti ju forma :D -- 89 S 15 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
visu pirma reikia tureti pinigu kad tureti 12 zaideju. nebeturiu finansu papildymams tai sezona baigsiu su desimt zaideju -- 89 S 15 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
Ya no se pone % en los entrenamientos?? -- 89 S 15 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
rurutis paskiepyk vardinį, galės ilgiau žaisti. :) -- 89 S 15 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
I think same as frankebasta. FT should be as well with 3P. We have now hundred of amazing 3p shooters with a 40/50% in FT. This is stupid -- 89 S 15 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
I agree that this is not realistic. But the whole training is. The same anomalies you can find in other skills.
In the game you can find players who play in TOP leagues but cannot rebound, defend, pass, shoot from close range and so on.
You can find an elite sniper who is not able to shoot from middle range or close range at all.
I agree that not every sniper is a “great middle range jumper”. But in real basketball all TOP snipers are at least “good in the middle range” as well.

In reality, players are trying to improve all their skills. They don't ignore, for example, “close range shooting” completely.

If we want to have a more realistic version - the training process should depend on the team owner only a little bit.
However, such an update would not be very welcome by the community as this means users won't be able to grow players exactly as they want.

About changing the formula and also regarding three points skill.
Some users trained middle range skill to have a good free-throw shooter. I don't see any good reason why we should punish these users just because some other users ignored this.
You decided to save training points in this area, and now you pay the cost that you knew would be. Just because of this your decisions there is no logic to change how the match engine works.
-- 89 S 15 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
What are you talking about a-darius? This engine is new and it’s our fault that we didn’t trained FT? This is your fault that you made a mess with new engine. You are ruining this game… Very low free throw percentage, against strong teams you can make more steals than rebounds.. Block shots almost disapeared. Sh*tty tactics.. -- 89 S 15 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
We were informed about FT change a number of seasons ago. What is the FT skill of the player that has very low free throw percentage? -- 89 S 15 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
We may increase free throws percentage a bit. I need a bit more time to investigate.
But we do not plan to use three points skill for that.
-- 89 S 15 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
good! I have a question. Are my players going to continue training badly every time I play in the national league or did they fix that too? -- 89 S 15 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
"About changing the formula and also regarding three points skill.
Some users trained middle range skill to have a good free-throw shooter. I don't see any good reason why we should punish these users just because some other users ignored this.
You decided to save training points in this area, and now you pay the cost that you knew would be. Just because of this your decisions there is no logic to change how the match engine works."

In the same way that users plan our campuses with the old engine, but according to you, they changed it to make it more realistic. That's what they ask for with free throws.
Or didn't they make all the changes under the pretext of giving it more realism?
Another unrealistic thing is that a player gets tired in 25 minutes. That is not realistic.
-- 89 S 15 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
"Some users trained middle range skill to have a good free-throw shooter. I don't see any good reason why we should punish these users just because some other users ignored this"

i distinctly remember it was a time when we had a specific skill for FTs
So, how about that change???
You blame me for not training my players right, and you change training every few seasons :)

Anyway, seriously, I'm not talking about THIS GAME INNER MECHANISM.
I'm talking about how much realistic are the stats of Basket Pulse compared to real life basketball.
I can agree with you all about my players shooting bad FT because of low skills.
But i still cannot see a 40% FT shooter in any professional league, in real life.

I'm still waiting for anyone to argue with this point of mine.....
-- 89 S 15 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
D. Motiejunas Euroleague season 21-22 38 games solid minutes FT 38/85 45%... not a 40% but close... 3pt 33% 2pt 63%... -- 89 S 15 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
Blocks are wayyyyyyy to tough to come by. It’s just unrealistic that Centers can’t average even 0.5 blocks per game. Also, bring back defensive settings of man-to-man, 2-3, 3-2, 1-3-1, and box and one! Those settings make it easier to play realistic defense on other teams -- 89 S 15 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
Cambiar el sistema de entrenamiento a mitad de temporada es algo que no alcanzo a comprender. -- 89 S 15 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
point increase in health training -- 89 S 15 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
"D. Motiejunas Euroleague"
that's exactly my point: as hard as you can research, you will not find anyone, ever, in real life with FT% lower than 3p%. I have 3 players like that on my team as of today:
FT - 2P - 3P
DePol 33% 55% 52%
Crocchiolo 50% 40% 54%
Paguinto 45% 31% 45%
-- 89 S 15 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
I see there is a bit of misunderstanding about the training update. This update should not negatively affect teams in any way. Otherwise we would definitely postpone it and introduce it later.

We did not wait until the new season because the goal is the opposite - to help teams.

This season players` shape should become tired only in quite a rare situations.
I can see that there was something that worked not as expected, so tomorrow morning I will review this and adjust if needed.

But basically - you should not worry about shape this season, unless you are still playing a 7 players game.
-- 89 S 16 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
I noticed my school prospect getting +2 to shape. Is this just the prospect not being at perfect shape already or a bug? -- 89 S 16 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
+1 Why did I turn red before I traded? I saw that his previous playing time was only 20 minutes. Why did he turn red? There are other DNP players whose status will increase anyway. -- 89 S 16 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
Why did I turn red before I traded? I saw that his previous playing time was only 20 minutes. Why did he turn red? There are other DNP players whose status will increase anyway. -- 89 S 16 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
Dear game manager, you are talking about only a little fatigue change. Unless you only have 7 players, your fatigue will hardly change. I observed your team. There are 10 young players in your team, so why did you also have a player who has become popular? I would like to ask, have you ever tested this fatigue mechanism change? -- 89 S 16 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
player in school shape+2... -- 89 S 16 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
a-ramune a-darius
Players who did not play shape+2
Players who played over 60% Trd shape+X
You said“Everyday player`s shape will go a bit towards perfection. In the first season it will be similar to having intensity with 0 or with 100%. ” where is it?
We just see the shape increase,where is the automatic adjustment?
-- 89 S 16 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
Please make a statement from GM, is it a bug that dnp and basketball school players get tired +2 every day? If so, please confirm -- 89 S 16 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
What does user experience mean to you? -- 89 S 16 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
I love the new training system. However, it is too rush, and should be used in the next season instead. Unfair to managers who plan well before the season starts. Thank you. -- 89 S 16 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
A season of poor gaming experience -- 89 S 16 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
Already tired. Should I ignore it or what?
-- 89 S 16 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
Zenon wrote:
"Blocks are wayyyyyyy to tough to come by. It’s just unrealistic that Centers can’t average even 0.5 blocks per game."

I can speculate that Blocks in the old GE were strongly correlated to "Last second shot" events.
In the new Game Engine, the number of Last second shots decreased sharply.
Whatever the reason, I personally have no clue.

That would explain the scarcity of Blocked Shots
-- 89 S 16 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
So with training update there indeed was a bug. It is fixed now and the training should work better today.

As some players unexpectedly went too tired, we just decreased the shape by 5 training points for all tired players.

Little recap:
This season you should not worry about shape. The shape is going towards “excellent”.
Next season we will reduce a bit how fast players' shape is going towards “excellent”. So in case your player is constantly tired during the match, the shape eventually will become tired and eventually you will have either to give the player less minutes or to give him free days to rest.

As we don't want to have the shock effect, the next season we will change only by a little and also additional update will be needed one season later.
-- 89 S 16 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
This season should not worry about shape. That seems punish teams which increased players this season because teams with 7-8 high RT players still get advantage. We followed your advice to add players, but now we have to worry about relegation.
-- 89 S 16 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
good job -- 89 S 16 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
ak904 wrote: "This season should not worry about shape. That seems punish teams which increased players this season because teams with 7-8 high RT players still get advantage. We followed your advice to add players, but now we have to worry about relegation"

I can only ROTFL to how fast the mood changes in this game's userbase.
One day we are all fretting about one update, less than 24 hours later we are told there is no change.
And the change that we've seen, was actually a mistake. Which has been corrected already.

Let me brag about my decision to demoted my team to lower leagues, so I can watch this HULLABALOO unaffected

-- 89 S 16 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
We welcome improvements. Please make to make them slower, and let us equip well, befeore any update. Thank you Darius. -- 89 S 16 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
I extended my roster to prevent predictable fatigue in games due to your announcement about GE updates since the beginning of this season. It increase expenses on my team finance, and my team got beaten when I gave my starters under 25 minutes for each on the court as well as my opponents only got 5~6 Thanos on their team. That's still fine because they will be tired easily and get bad shapes if I set the right tactic, and maybe I have enough luck to steal victory on them. But it goes wrong when you said no need to deal with player's shape this season. Now EVERYBODY will put less than 8 players to ensure all of their players are overpowered as Thanos.
Thank you for ruining my team finance and my hope about playoffs.
-- 89 S 16 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
It is funny to see people complaining an engine that has been running for 4 seasons and they never test it and give feedback until one day they realize they have to. And now another group of well prepared people are suffered because of these guys and they are raged too =D -- 89 S 16 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
ak904, kip88363:
This change is about training not a match engine. Before this update teams with 7-8 players were able to maintain excellent shape by reducing training intensity.

During the match teams with 10 players still have the same advantage over teams with 7 players.

So I don't think that you wasted your money. You still should see the benefit in a match by having a positive impact due to opponent tiredness during the game.

Last season many users expressed the opinion that training must be updated as soon as possible. Because with the new match engine changes are needed. Few times we answered that we plan to do so.
Also we informed about this in the article at the beginning of the season.
-- 89 S 16 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
That's exactly how it is fanling3.
Complaining is quick. Look for the blame in others than in oneself. Saying the wrong things.
e.g. the new engine did not come overnight.
It exists as you say it for 4 seasons at least in the NL.
We had plenty of time to be prepared.
The goal was determined clearly: raising tiredness to create teams with more players

Those complains, that results of ignorance and no will to adeption, really upsets me.
Unfortunately, these people are usually the loudest and the vast majority who get along well are quiet and hold back.
In the end, nothing is eaten as hot as it is cooked.
First wait and see what happens is sometimes the better way to meet one's ignorance.
Most things clear up with time anyway.
-- 89 S 16 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
At least I didn't see any benefit or any positive feedback on having more than 8 players with lower RT against fewer ones but stronger this season.

By new match engines, the opportunity that turnovers happened due to fatigue is much fewer, just like you said before. When higher RT rivals lead the score, it's hard , or just no chance, for us to beat them back. Now because of your promise of keep players in excellent shapes, I barely have a chance to have a bet on opponents forgetting to set the training intensity. That makes me unable to use the last method to win —— dragging my opponent into scorching earth.

So it seems that managers who have long list roster this season deserve to lose, right?
-- 89 S 16 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
I think you are not correct.
For example, your match:
Basically you won this match because you had more players than your opponent. 4th quarter was the best for your team and half of the points was because of tiredness events.
Of course that will not work every time, but by having more players you have more chances for that.
-- 89 S 16 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
The new fatigue system and the new training system are terrible. The fatigue of players is increasing every day, but the training system can't be adjusted. Eventually, the players in the team will turn red -- 89 S 16 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
just sit down your players in few matches or decrease minutes in game. It is no other way in this training system keep optimal form -- 89 S 16 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
@God, superdzonis:
Please read the article. Also mine and Ramune`s comments where we tried to explain more.
You miss-understood this update.
-- 89 S 16 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
misunderstood is a word
miss-understood is not
install a spell checker ;)
-- 89 S 16 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
"Complaining is quick. Look for the blame in others than in oneself. Saying the wrong things.
e.g. the new engine did not come overnight.
It exists as you say it for 4 seasons at least in the NL.
We had plenty of time to be prepared.
The goal was determined clearly: raising tiredness to create teams with more players"

Yes, you're right, but I can't say it's all true. I played a lot of games on "new engine", especially when devs gave us free additional games and I still feel like it was quite different "new engine" in comparison to how it works right now. I was prepared for new things but can't say it's exactly the same as what was available to us last season (I'm talking here mainly about tactics settings, both team and players).
-- 89 S 16 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
fourkings, interesting opinion -- 89 S 16 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
+1000 fourkings -- 89 S 16 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
fourkings, I don't know why you feel attacked by my point.
I have already said it and I emphasize it one more time. It is my personal opinion. You don't have to share it or accept it. Instead you feel compelled to attack and belittle me without even knowing me.
In Germany we have a saying.
It is: "getroffene Hunde bellen" which means that only dogs that have been caught fight back.

It is not necessary. You don't have to be afraid of me. ;)

We can state that we agree to disagree.
Good luck with the new engine and the training Update.

Peace out
-- 89 S 16 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
I report my training because there is something that does not make sense.
I play with 5 players and below I put the fatigue of the match and the +/- in the form:

75% +3
74% +2
74% +2
73% +2
73% -4

the 2 players who did not play -2
-- 89 S 16 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
-- 89 S 16 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
According to JeroDel8
That's a really weird logic
Can't understand how the auto adjustment works :/
-- 89 S 17 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
-- 89 S 17 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
It's quite ridiculous point of view about trying to restrict Chinese manager, but still +1000 fourkings though.XD -- 89 S 17 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
Part of my training these two days

62% +1 75% +3
76% +3 64% +1
39% +0 67% +2

Where is the auto adjustment?
-- 89 S 17 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
Was any thought given to players on loan? I do not see any mention. It is not possible to manage the tiredness of players that one loans. Hopefully the effects will not extend into the next seasons or maybe a way to recall loaned players that are being abused with excessive use. -- 89 S 17 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
My player M. Wagner had 49% tiredness during the match and a change in shape of +6, while D.Roy had 70% tiredness during the match and a change in shape of +2.

I dont understand this. I need an explanation please. Thanks

-- 89 S 17 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
similar happened with youth team:
E. Kohlberg 60% +6
A. Arnold 70% +2
A. Preatoni 61% +1

-- 89 S 17 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
I don't think these changes are aimed at Chinese players; it's just that Chinese culture is good at finding honey in the cracks of rules and order. Such expertise can easily subvert the system and defeat the original intent of the creators. In the end, the creator has to panic and come up with a patch to save his baby.
-- 89 S 17 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
Fourkings +1000. The Chinese managers play with different rules than the rest of the world. -- 89 S 17 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
Playing 25 minutes for a 40-minute game looks fine. If you want to avoid exhausted for 30+ minutes, you can sacrifice his defence level down to minimum, in order to score more, just like this season's Lebron James. -- 89 S 17 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
I have no clue what we're doing here. But just to be on the safe side, I'll sit my starters today in the Home tournament. Let's see if it helps -- 89 S 18 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
hi, so what are the ways to improve form if it goes red? what can i do as a club - will he improve if i play him 10min or do i have to sit him for full game? -- 89 S 18 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
Results of my esperiment are:
every day starters played 0 minutes: -2
every day backups played 40 mins: +3
my franchise player plays 20 mins: 0 fatigue but gains 3 training points less than yesterday.
Not ideal!

-- 89 S 18 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
LittleMister Frankebasta
The current player status only produces a natural increase or decrease in pressure based on playing time, -2 when not playing, and when these adjustments cause the player shape to change, the system gives a +-6 bounce back to the original point. This seems a bit different from the original description, but apparently there is no need to worry about the player's shape this season.
-- 89 S 19 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
i have few players who get - in form with 70-80% tiredness in game. it was pretty big - (-3 and -4) -- 89 S 19 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
Thank you for the tip.
I will try that next
-- 89 S 19 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)