

flag Guaranteed to Win

Mannschaftslogo team-jerseys-front team-jerseys-back
Lokaler Name: Guaranteed to Win


Verein ist nicht gemanaged
Aktivitäts-Zeitraum 2021-10-22 - 2022-04-30
Land flag United States


Siege gesamt/absolvierte Spiele 100/157 64%
-- 87 S 6 T.
Der Verein wurde geschlossen
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
-- 87 S 6 T.
Fans des Vereins haben den Fanclub geschlossen
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-- 87 S 6 T.
Der Manager hat den Verein aufgrund eines Regelverstoßes verloren
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
-- 87 S 3 T.
Nutzerrang wurde aufgewertet
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-- 85 S 40 T.
Makes zero sense that Adams didn’t get selected for the National team when looking at the roster. I’d love to know which other player has 11 ball handling and 12 three point shooting. Realistically, I already know that no one else in the USA under 22 years old does. Choosing players with 5 potential that aren’t even 21 is literally a joke. Oh well. Let’s hope the coach doesn’t sell on his promise of top 3 even though he didn’t select the best talent. I looked at the other countries u21 rosters and some aren’t very good, but the top teams didn’t waste talent and choose regular players. They also didn’t choose young players with average potential over 21 year olds with good potential.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
Weitere Antworten zeigen: 2
Maybe it has something to do with the 4 athletics that are way too low to play in U21? -- 85 S 55 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
How? -- 85 S 59 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
Well every player on the national team has 8 athletics or better and the player you are referring to has 4. What are his athletic skills? He is a late scout which means i'm guessing they are 444 or 454. Am I wrong? Athletic skills are important, they affect the ability to score and defend. -- 85 S 59 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)