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Head coach
Personlig info
Alder: | 40 y. |
Nationalitet: | chinese |
Raiting: | 111 |
Predicted peak RT: | 194 |
Potentiale: | 10 |
Trænings evner:
Taktiske evner:
Contract information
Term | 2 S |
Løn | 4 444 Eu |
Market information
Krævet mindsteløn | 1098 Eu |
Vis skjulte svar: 5
It is incredible that a wl6 team can bid that amount of salary, honestly there are still many errors that break fair play in the game
97 S
63 Dag
(Oversæt EN)
it was not bidded in market... he just signed scouted coach
97 S
63 Dag
(Oversæt EN)