Trade information


Start forhandling 2024-09-30- 19:53
Slut handlen 2024-09-30- 22:22
Restrictions' level 9
flag Ying-Li Xie
Løn: 20235 Eu
Kontrakt: 3 S Alder: 25 y.
RT: 285 Højte: 217 cm.
Potentiale: 7
flag Ljubisa Ragnarsson
Løn: 14692 Eu
Kontrakt: 1 S Alder: 29 y.
RT: 282 Højte: 208 cm.
Potentiale: 3
Icon Byttehandel/Udlåning af spillere: Kodeljevo & Shiska
-- 101 S 8 Dag
Team made a trade offer
-- (Oversæt) (Oversæt EN)
Vis skjulte svar: 2
Trade offer accepted -- 101 S 8 Dag
-- (Oversæt) (Oversæt EN)
This trade was reported as unfair. However, the Fair play committee decided that this trade is fair. -- 101 S 10 Dag
-- (Oversæt) (Oversæt EN)
How the Fair Play Committee members voted:
- volunteers voted "Revert and punish": 0
- volunteers voted "Revert": 1
- volunteers voted "Fair": 9

These reasons were chosen by the volunteers during voting:
1 - Suspicion that trade’s goal is to help one of the teams

-- 101 S 10 Dag
-- (Oversæt) (Oversæt EN)