

USA basketball

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Main information
Federation president Elgeorge1976
Date of creation 59S, 9d.
Spots in the Fair play Committee 1
Fair play committee members nerdageddon


Currently there are no active suggestions

Federation: USA basketball
Federation volunteer: shortdog
-- 98 S 23 d.
New candidate to become volunteer. Candidate's introduction:
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Volunteer's application confirmed -- 98 S 41 d.
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Federation: USA basketball
Federation volunteer: shortdog
-- 98 S 23 d.
New candidate to become volunteer. Candidate's introduction: Need somebody that is active here
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Volunteer's application confirmed -- 98 S 41 d.
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Icon Teacher: Mario
-- 98 S 19 d.
Feedback about the teacher: Non Responsive
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Federation: USA basketball
-- 97 S 15 d.
Federation president's election begins
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Show hidden replies: 2
5000 is steep, but it was free last week to run. -- 97 S 22 d.
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ahh ok, I missed it, cool then, thanks. -- 97 S 23 d.
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Federation: USA basketball
Suggestion was accepted -- 97 S 30 d.
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Federation volunteer: Elgeorge1976
-- 97 S 16 d.
Manager runs as candidate to become federation's president Cada año que pasa, obtengo la experiencia y el conocimiento del juego, eso me permite mejorar y colocar la federación en el sitio que se merece. Trabajemos juntos por lograr la mejor posición de nuestra organizacion. Vamos USAAAA
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Federation: USA basketball
Federation president's term of office begins -- 97 S 30 d.
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