Player's trades
This page contains information about the virtual game's character. Any coincidences with the real people (name, surname or other information) are accidental and unintended.
Date | Sender | Recipient | Out | In | |
24-05-26 12:04 | Poznan BB | LZS OSOLIN | Mozė Eglinskas
(26 y.; 267 RT)
Przemo Olszewski
(24 y.; 221 RT)
Barnim Kwiatkowski (22 y.; 182 RT) |
More details |
23-09-11 13:53 | Buraczani | LZS OSOLIN | Przemo Olszewski
(20 y.; 155 RT)
Oliwier Domagala (21 y.; 149 RT) |
Ambrozy Rozenek
(21 y.; 148 RT)
More details |