Player's trades
This page contains information about the virtual game's character. Any coincidences with the real people (name, surname or other information) are accidental and unintended.
Date | Sender | Recipient | Out | In | |
25-01-28 13:57 | Αετοί | EST-WOLVES | Ubaldas Zasinas
(28 y.; 241 RT)
Botir Denisov (26 y.; 238 RT) |
Luis Antonio Bergamín
(26 y.; 289 RT)
Ma Kē Bǐ (25 y.; 208 RT) |
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24-12-25 22:11 | 5IVE TR | EST-WOLVES | Ma Kē Bǐ
(24 y.; 203 RT)
Darius Kisielius (29 y.; 177 RT) |
Frithjof Hölscher
(26 y.; 238 RT)
Travis Finley (24 y.; 152 RT) |
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24-12-18 15:48 | KIMMY SP | 5IVE TR | Ma Kē Bǐ
(24 y.; 203 RT)
Çağatay Bas
(23 y.; 219 RT)
Dainius Rugštelė (18 y.; 111 RT) |
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