Player's trades


This page contains information about the virtual game's character. Any coincidences with the real people (name, surname or other information) are accidental and unintended.

Date Sender Recipient Out In More details
25-01-28 13:57 Αετοί EST-WOLVES Ubaldas Zasinas (28 y.; 241 RT)
Botir Denisov (26 y.; 238 RT)
Luis Antonio Bergamín (26 y.; 289 RT)
Ma Kē Bǐ (25 y.; 208 RT)
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24-12-25 22:11 5IVE TR EST-WOLVES Ma Kē Bǐ (24 y.; 203 RT)
Darius Kisielius (29 y.; 177 RT)
Frithjof Hölscher (26 y.; 238 RT)
Travis Finley (24 y.; 152 RT)
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24-12-18 15:48 KIMMY SP 5IVE TR Ma Kē Bǐ (24 y.; 203 RT)
Çağatay Bas (23 y.; 219 RT)
Dainius Rugštelė (18 y.; 111 RT)
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