Player information


This page contains information about the virtual game's character. Any coincidences with the real people (name, surname or other information) are accidental and unintended.

Jogminas Šidlauskas Face

flag Jogminas Šidlauskas

Player doesn't have a club

Player has ended his career
87 y.
212 cm. (6' 11'' )
First team:
Los Pollos Hermanos
Icon Player: Jogminas Šidlauskas (RT: 139)
-- 47 S 63 d.
Player's contract ended
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Icon Player: Jogminas Šidlauskas (RT: 139)
-- 47 S 45 d.
Player is injured because of bad shape
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Icon Player: Jogminas Šidlauskas (RT: 139)
-- 47 S 35 d.
Player is injured because of bad health
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Icon Player: Jogminas Šidlauskas (RT: 139)
-- 47 S 14 d.
Player is injured because of bad health
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Icon Player: Jogminas Šidlauskas (RT: 139)
-- 44 S 54 d.
The player accepted the contract, offered by your club
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Geras zaidejas buvo ir stabilus, sugebejo isirasyti i mano klubo garbes lenta, bet jau atejko laikas uzleist vieta atvykstanciam perspektyviam jaunimeliui. O ir pazaisti po 25 minutes jam nebesuteikciau kita sezona. -- 44 S 57 d.
-- (Translate) (Translate EN)
Na žiūrėsiu kaip jis mano komandoje atrodys, ar ištemps sezoną ar ne. Tikiuosi iš jo pagalbos po krepšiu gynyboje. -- 44 S 58 d.
-- (Translate) (Translate EN)