Club's information
Fish Oil
Activity | 2025-01-23 05:52 |
Country | Lithuania |
Federation | Lithuanian Basketball Federation |
Short club name | Fish Oil (fOIL) |
Earlier managed club | Žuvų Taukai(Closed) (10 - 31 S) |
Basketball school | Fish Oil Basketball school |
Strongest in the game | 307 ( place in rankings) |
Strongest in nat. league | 9 ( place in rankings) |
Strongest in int. league | 6 ( place in rankings) |
RT average | 267 |
Fan club | 509 |
Fan ranking | 415 ( place in rankings) |
Pop. rating in int. league | 5 ( place in rankings) |
Image | 1/7 |
Personnel's opinion | 6/7 |
Weekly income from sponsors | 64310 Eu |
Max sum for personnel's salaries | 96465 Eu |
Trades restrictions' level | 7 (History) |
Trades done overall | 188 |
Trades made this season | 2 |
Overall wins/matches played | 625/1082 58% |
Season's wins/matches played | 33/50 66% |
Amount of borrowed players | 47 |
Jeigu mano žaidėjas atmetė mano pasiūlymą, bet aš vienintelis esu pasiūlęs kontraktą ir dabar statusas yra “laukiama savininko sprendimo”.
Ar žaidėjas automatiškai visgi priims mano pasiūlymą, nes kitų nėra, ar išeis į rinką?(mano skautų atvestas)
Kitaip sakant ar man būtina dabar siūlyti ženkliai didesnę sumą ir pratęsti ar jam tiesiog neliks kito pasirinkimo tik sutikti? Niekada su šituo nesusidūriau
A couple of weeks passed, players"demands" became higher - and he rejected the offer as it was lower than new "minimum weekly salary" in the day of decision.
Don't remember exact numbers but new contract became about 2000Eu more expensive (per week) compared with the beginning of limited market: slight increase in salary due to training + maybe other managers' bids affected. So probably it's better to bid on your own player in the day of his decision to avoid unexpected salary raise and other things) -- 102 S 51 d.