102 S |
15 d. |
National team has a new manager: roberpaganini |
100 S |
63 d. |
5 place |
Place taken in the league (National Men) |
100 S |
63 d. |
Erik Guerrero - Most valuable player in the team (National Men) |
100 S |
15 d. |
National team has a new manager: roberpaganini |
98 S |
63 d. |
7 place |
Place taken in the league (National Men) |
98 S |
63 d. |
Raffaelli Acosta - Most valuable player in the team (National Men) |
98 S |
15 d. |
National team has a new manager: roberpaganini |
96 S |
63 d. |
Place taken in the league (National Men) |
96 S |
63 d. |
Fidel Camaño - Most valuable player in the team (National Men) |
96 S |
15 d. |
National team has a new manager: roberpaganini |
94 S |
63 d. |
Place taken in the league (National Men) |
94 S |
15 d. |
National team has a new manager: choppermaiden |
92 S |
63 d. |
Place taken in the league (National Men) |
92 S |
63 d. |
Maurito Bautinelo - Most valuable player in the team (National Men) |
92 S |
15 d. |
National team has a new manager: choppermaiden |
90 S |
63 d. |
Place taken in the league (National Men) |
90 S |
63 d. |
Maurito Bautinelo - Most valuable player in the team (National Men) |
90 S |
15 d. |
National team has a new manager: choppermaiden |
88 S |
63 d. |
Place taken in the league (National Men) |
88 S |
15 d. |
National team has a new manager: roberpaganini |
86 S |
63 d. |
4 place |
Place taken in the league (National Men) |
86 S |
15 d. |
National team has a new manager: |
84 S |
63 d. |
Place taken in the league (National Men) |
84 S |
63 d. |
Pedro Peralta - Most valuable player in the team (National Men) |
84 S |
15 d. |
National team has a new manager: roberpaganini |
82 S |
63 d. |
Place taken in the league (National Men) |
82 S |
63 d. |
Maurito Bautinelo - Most valuable player in the team (National Men) |
82 S |
15 d. |
National team has a new manager: choppermaiden |
80 S |
63 d. |
Place taken in the league (National Men) |
80 S |
63 d. |
Pedro Peralta - Most valuable player in the team (National Men) |
80 S |
63 d. |
Assistant of national team's manager: |
80 S |
15 d. |
National team has a new manager: |
78 S |
63 d. |
Place taken in the league (National Men) |
78 S |
63 d. |
Pedro Peralta - Most valuable player in the team (National Men) |
78 S |
63 d. |
Assistant of national team's manager: |
78 S |
15 d. |
National team has a new manager: |
76 S |
63 d. |
4 place |
Place taken in the league (National Men) |
76 S |
63 d. |
Pedro Peralta - Most valuable player in the team (National Men) |
76 S |
15 d. |
National team has a new manager: roberpaganini |
74 S |
63 d. |
Place taken in the league (National Men) |
74 S |
63 d. |
Pedro Peralta - Most valuable player in the team (National Men) |
74 S |
15 d. |
National team has a new manager: roberpaganini |
72 S |
63 d. |
4 place |
Place taken in the league (National Men) |
72 S |
63 d. |
Pedro Peralta - Most valuable player in the team (National Men) |
72 S |
15 d. |
National team has a new manager: mancuso |
70 S |
63 d. |
Place taken in the league (National Men) |
70 S |
63 d. |
José Luis Perales - Most valuable player in the team (National Men) |
70 S |
15 d. |
National team has a new manager: |
68 S |
63 d. |
5 place |
Place taken in the league (National Men) |
68 S |
63 d. |
Julio Arroyo - Most valuable player in the team (National Men) |
68 S |
15 d. |
National team has a new manager: |
66 S |
63 d. |
Place taken in the league (National Men) |
66 S |
63 d. |
Assistant of national team's manager: nacho_uni10 |
66 S |
15 d. |
National team has a new manager: |
64 S |
63 d. |
Place taken in the league (National Men) |
64 S |
63 d. |
Julio Arroyo - Most valuable player in the team (National Men) |
64 S |
63 d. |
Assistant of national team's manager: roberpaganini |
64 S |
15 d. |
National team has a new manager: |
62 S |
63 d. |
Place taken in the league (National Men) |
62 S |
63 d. |
Arturo Farías - Most valuable player in the team (National Men) |
62 S |
63 d. |
Assistant of national team's manager: Sakuragui |
62 S |
15 d. |
National team has a new manager: |
60 S |
63 d. |
Place taken in the league (National Men) |
60 S |
63 d. |
Argie Shaq - Most valuable player in the team (National Men) |
60 S |
63 d. |
Assistant of national team's manager: Sakuragui |
60 S |
15 d. |
National team has a new manager: |
58 S |
63 d. |
4 place |
Place taken in the league (National Men) |
58 S |
63 d. |
Argie Shaq - Most valuable player in the team (National Men) |
58 S |
15 d. |
National team has a new manager: |
56 S |
63 d. |
9 place |
Place taken in the league (National Men) |
56 S |
63 d. |
Argie Shaq - Most valuable player in the team (National Men) |
56 S |
63 d. |
Assistant of national team's manager: |
56 S |
15 d. |
National team has a new manager: Sakuragui |
54 S |
63 d. |
10 place |
Place taken in the league (National Men) |
54 S |
63 d. |
Adriano Cequeira - Most valuable player in the team (National Men) |
54 S |
63 d. |
Assistant of national team's manager: |
54 S |
15 d. |
National team has a new manager: |
52 S |
63 d. |
9 place |
Place taken in the league (National Men) |
52 S |
63 d. |
Adriano Cequeira - Most valuable player in the team (National Men) |
52 S |
63 d. |
Assistant of national team's manager: |
52 S |
15 d. |
National team has a new manager: |
50 S |
63 d. |
19 place |
Place taken in the league (National Men) |
50 S |
63 d. |
Eugenio Tallone - Most valuable player in the team (National Men) |
50 S |
15 d. |
National team has a new manager: Melena7 |
48 S |
63 d. |
15 place |
Place taken in the league (National Men) |
48 S |
63 d. |
Adriano Cequeira - Most valuable player in the team (National Men) |
48 S |
15 d. |
National team has a new manager: |
46 S |
63 d. |
15 place |
Place taken in the league (National Men) |
46 S |
63 d. |
Marco Calderon - Most valuable player in the team (National Men) |
46 S |
63 d. |
Assistant of national team's manager: |
46 S |
15 d. |
National team has a new manager: nicosantos76 |