Hall of fame

flag BC Patriots

330 Mt
24.0 min
4.7 Pts
2.4 Reb
0.5 Blo
1.5 Ast
5.8 Rkg
National league
Most prospective
Most prospective
Most prospective
International league
Small forward of the day
Most prospective
325 Mt
24.2 min
13.4 Pts
3.5 Reb
0.9 Blo
0.8 Ast
14.9 Rkg
National league
Small forward of the season
International league
MVP of the match
MVP of the day
Small forward of the day
Small forward of the season
164 Mt
23.2 min
1.9 Pts
4.1 Reb
1.3 Blo
1.7 Ast
8.6 Rkg
National league
MVP of the match
Power forward of the day
453 Mt
28.5 min
11.0 Pts
7.2 Reb
1.1 Blo
1.6 Ast
15.6 Rkg
National league
MVP of the match
MVP of the season
Center of the season
MVP of the season
Center of the season
International league
MVP of the day
Center of the day
MVP of the season
Center of the season
276 Mt
25.2 min
4.5 Pts
5.3 Reb
1.0 Blo
1.2 Ast
9.7 Rkg
National league
MVP of the day
Center of the day
International league
MVP of the match
167 Mt
24.1 min
10.4 Pts
4.8 Reb
1.0 Blo
0.9 Ast
13.3 Rkg
National league
Power forward of the day
International league
MVP of the match
217 Mt
26.5 min
13.9 Pts
1.9 Reb
0.1 Blo
5.1 Ast
14.0 Rkg
National league
MVP of the day
International league
MVP of the match
Point guard of the day
212 Mt
23.7 min
14.8 Pts
3.8 Reb
0.8 Blo
1.6 Ast
15.4 Rkg
National league
MVP of the match
MVP of the day
Small forward of the day
173 Mt
25.5 min
5.5 Pts
6.9 Reb
1.4 Blo
2.4 Ast
12.3 Rkg
International league
MVP of the match