Club's information

Team's logo

flag Los Angeles Clippers

Team's logo team-jerseys-front team-jerseys-back
Local name: Los Angeles Clippers

G. Vincent

Matches: 49

Steals: 3,3


Z. Drayton

Matches: 46

Ranking: 13,2

Points: 18,7

Three pointers: 49%


K. Morin

Matches: 44

Ranking: 23,0

Points: 23,0

Blocks: 1,5

Two pointers: 61%


Club is not managed
Period of activity 2020-04-26 - 2020-10-18
Country flag United States


Overall wins/matches played 21/43 49%
-- 79 S 46 d.
The club was closed
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Icon Player: Zack Drayton (RT: 229)
-- 78 S 63 d.
Player changed team during limited market
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Icon Player: Gauthier Vincent (RT: 195)
-- 78 S 63 d.
Player changed team during limited market
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-- 77 S 27 d.
Manager left this club
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Show hidden replies: 20
It is always sad when a board-of-fame member leaves the game. In this case it is even more than that.
Good luck in RL and I hope someday you return and have fun in BP again ;)
-- 77 S 28 d.
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Damn!!!! -- 77 S 30 d.
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Press message hidden by federation volunteer or administrator -- 78 S 61 d.
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-- 78 S 14 d.
Manager left this club
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