Club's information

Team's logo

Franchise player Vytautas Bartkus

119 RT

Age: 18 y.

Height: 219 cm.

flag BC Vilaviškio "Perlas"

Team's logo team-jerseys-front team-jerseys-back
Local name: BC Vilaviškio "Perlas"
Manager: LavonzoBall
LuxTransfer logo Krepšinis Tau logo

Y. Sima

Points: 24,5


T. Barškėtis

Rebounds: 7,0


N. Normantas

Assists: 4,9


Activity 2024-06-11 11:33
Country flag Lithuania
Federation Lithuanian Basketball Federation
Short club name Perlas (Perl)
Earlier managed club Palangos Kuršiai (83 - 86 S)
Basketball school Perlas Basketball school


Strongest in the game 791 ( place in rankings)
Strongest in nat. league 5 ( place in rankings)
Strongest in int. league 12 ( place in rankings)
RT average 203
Fan club 243
Fan ranking 876 ( place in rankings)
Pop. rating in int. league 19 ( place in rankings)
Image 2/7
Personnel's opinion 6/7


Weekly income from sponsors 39752 Eu
Max sum for personnel's salaries 65533 Eu
Trades restrictions' level 7 (History)
Trades done overall 0
Trades made this season 0
Overall wins/matches played 74/84 88%
Season's wins/matches played 18/21 86%
Amount of borrowed players 0
Icon Player: Yuhang Sima (RT: 299)
-- 99 S 2 d.
Player is injured because of bad health
-- (Translate) (Translate EN)
Icon Player: Balys Kūras (RT: 165)
-- 99 S 2 d.
The player accepted the contract, offered by your club
-- (Translate) (Translate EN)
Icon Coach: Bazilijus Girdenis (RT: 117)
-- 99 S 2 d.
The coach accepted the contract, offered by your club
-- (Translate) (Translate EN)
Player: Eimantas Mikailas (RT: 26)
-- 99 S 2 d.
Club signed contract with scout's player
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Icon Player: Julius Lukosiunas (RT: 167)
-- 99 S 2 d.
Club fired a player
-- (Translate) (Translate EN)