Season 100 review!

Anniversary season 100 has just finished, we hope you have reached your goals and will have even more success in the next 100. :) We would like to share our game updates and congratulate the champions.



World League 1.1


Same three teams finished on the podium like last season. Minnesota Timberwolves faced Wǒ bù pà in the final series which was decided in game 5 where Wolves dominated 76:52 and took 6th WL1 trophy in team’s history.

Basketball Emperor Chamberlain won the bronze series 3-2 against Utenos Green Death, exchanging blowout wins in most of the games.

Luis Alfonso Tagle (214 cm, 374 RT) has been named MVP of the season, averaging 11 points and 5 rebounds per game. Interestingly, the player is a result of somewhat untraditional choice - bicaas has selected him to be club’s franchise player after receiving him through the trade when he was a 15 year old schoolkid, despite Tagle being non-Lithuanian. The investment seems to have paid off good dividends.


1. Minnesota Timberwolves. Manager: 史塔克

2. Wǒ bù pà. Manager: YAOQINWEI

3. Basketball Emperor Chamberlain. Manager: david1992


World Cup 


Spain has made a huge comeback win in the semi-final against Lithuania after being down 21 points, and beat China in a nail-biting final 75:73. Spain has won their first World Cup ever, congratulations! Luis Alfonso Tagle who was named MVP of WL1, has been named MVP of the final game as well, what a season for the Spaniard!

Lithuania recovered after a tough loss in the semifinal in the bronze medal game against Taiwan 77:64.

Marcelino Guizabal (220 cm, 351 RT) from Spain has been named MVP of the tournament averaging 11 points and 7 rebounds per game. His stats may seem good, however, the fact that Spain has scored 16 more points in each game when Guizabal was on the floor is the most outstanding number for the player. 


1. Spain. Manager: Cesarrr

2. China. Manager: WelkinLiu

3. Lithuania. Manager: Kipras_Justas


U18 World Cup 



Lithuania has played a strong last quarter in the final game against tournament hosts Taiwan and claimed gold medals with a 67:80 win.

China recovered after a tough loss in the semifinals and beat Poland 82:73 in the bronze medal game.

Yide Chang (200 cm, 191 RT) from China has been named an MVP of the tournament, scoring 19 points per game with incredible 46% 3-pointer accuracy. Is he ready for the big leagues already?


1. Lithuania. Manager: bicaas

2. Taiwan. Manager: Bibi224

3. China. Manager: zhiyangxu


Community News


Season 100 Anniversary T-Shirts


The winners of World Cups, WL 1-2 and selected national leagues will receive unique champion T-shirts. This is the list of the winners:

Cesarrr, 史塔克, bicaas, Gudrioji Lape, Hollenbach, Jautrais, funny2017, YAOQINWEI, shortdog, Edmon, Pierre le rocher, nofixations, CoachM0329, Artemix, Paraponiaris, profesors, TripleThreat, mancuso.

We have also selected two champions randomly who will also receive the T-shirt: Vycka, mastrolinfo.

Congratulations to all the winners, we will contact you shortly regarding the delivery details!


If you’d like to receive 20.000 credits - submit t-shirt design by Day 7 to @dwyane3. More information with the terms and conditions had been sent via a mass DM.


BP Song


Game legend darys has created a song about other Lithuanian BP legends, you may find the hit on Spotify. That is some next level creativity stuff. :)


Taiwan community has shown an example of using AI for match analysis. Can they reap the fruits of it or is it just another cool looking tool that will not have much of an influence?



Taiwan ran 2nd Super Cup which was won by 無糖烏龍茶, congratulations!

Polish community organised 4th U23 Cup where Polonia won 1.500 credits.


1.000 credits giveaway


Only two managers on our Facebook giveaway guessed that Spain would win the WC semi-final, and Nicolo provided a closer guess and won 1.000 credits. Congratulations!


Help us reach our goal to reach 500 followers on our Facebook season by the end of the season and like our page now!


Scouting bonus


The scouting bonus starting this season will be given to the countries that have managed to bring a significant amount of new active users to the game. 


The Hong Kong community has shown that a coordinated effort can bring great results and brought new users to the game, mostly by having a coordinated discussion on the biggest forum in Hong Kong. The new users are active and have increased the country's active weekly users count by 42%, earning a 15% scouting bonus for season 101!


We have also seen a significant 38% increase in member growth in Germany, earning a 10% scouting bonus for the country!


FPC news


We would like to inform you about some FPC changes for the upcoming season:


1. FPC spot of the European Basketball Federation has been removed due to low activity.

2. FPC spot of China has been removed due to biased voting aimed at helping other Chinese users.

We would like to remind you that the goal of FPC members is to ensure fairness in the game for everyone instead of supporting members of their own community. For quite some time, we’ve been receiving similar feedback from other FPC members. We reviewed some reverted trades with one or few fair votes, and this has been happening for quite a while. 


A good example is from a season ago, where an obvious gift trade was voted as FAIR by a current China FPC member.


 Season 100 Updates

  • New pages included: Player - Improvement and Coach - Improvement. The improvement statistics started to accumulate just recently, so the old improvement information is not available.

  • New design of Friendly match pages.

  • New design of Country pages, including historical NTs performance.

  • Fixes in Tradable players’ list. The list is cleaned before the new season. The owner team is always displayed (youth team or borrower team used to be displayed).

  • Bug fix: in some divisions All Star matches were not played. It shouldn’t happen from now.

  • Many small bug fixes.


Future plans

  • Starting with season 102, coaches’ skills will start decreasing from 60 years old.

  • The page of special invitations to higher league will be updated with the new design. The price of special invitations will be increased in order to reduce the usage of this feature.

  • Changes in match engine: adjust coaches’ influence so that it depends on the actual difference between coaches’ skills, not only on the fact that one is better at some skill. Coaches’ influence in matches is quite big, therefore we plan to include changes gradually in the upcoming 5 seasons.

  • Update more old-design pages

We wish you a great upcoming season! Good luck!

Noticias del juego: Season 100 review!
-- 101 S 1 Dia
Season 100 review!
-- (Traducir) (Traducir EN)
Mostrar respuestas ocultas: 6
We had a great increase in the user-base in Brazil because we managed to bring a few users from another online game and they became active in our whatsapp group. I think we growth more than 100% in one season (5 user to 11) -- 101 S 1 Dia
-- (Traducir) (Traducir EN)
Ei lietuviai, kaip mums pasiekti tą apie 40% užaugintą naujų vartotojų kiekį? Pas mumis kai apie 400 vartotojų, tai reikia 160 naujų.. Diskriminacija prieš mumis, nes mes tokių skaičių nepasieksim dėl savo dydžio. Svarbu administracijai linksma, jog taisyklių nesilaiko ir bonusus gauna.
Sistema kaip ir variklis. Veikia kaip nori, bet kad blogai tai nesvarbu.
-- 101 S 1 Dia
-- (Traducir) (Traducir EN)
Houdis renkasi balsus viso gyvenimo kadencijai -- 101 S 1 Dia
-- (Traducir) (Traducir EN)