for 11,700 this player would have been a great young not injured all the time PF for a US WL 3 (end of bench), WL 4, or WL 5 team. I am surprised no one went after him.
60 S
9 Dia
His stats are bad the skill level..
60 S
10 Dia
(Traducir) (Traducir EN)
He is a defensive player. Stats do not mean everything. Kevisas is a very sought after player on my team but his statistics don't say much. What he does that people don't see is, he makes opponents miss their shots.
60 S
10 Dia
(Traducir) (Traducir EN)
He isn't worth 16K, but definitely worth 11,700 salary because he is big, 80% health.
60 S
10 Dia
(Traducir) (Traducir EN)
His +/- is positive or -1 every season except his second season.
60 S
10 Dia
This guy should do well for a WL4 team if you can afford him. Watch out though, I can attest that it is easy to get into financial trouble.
60 S
13 Dia
(Traducir) (Traducir EN)
Quite a few USA teams on the verge of getting to WL 3. If all do, it will be a sign that we are back! Last year, there was 11 USA teams in WL 3 or better, with 4 in WL 2 or better.
60 S
13 Dia
(Traducir) (Traducir EN)
At one point it may have been 5 in WL2 or better.
60 S
13 Dia
(Traducir) (Traducir EN)
Gremlins, JBM, Shockwave, Storm, Snow Lions, and NBN were all WL2 or better at the same time (6)
60 S
13 Dia
(Traducir) (Traducir EN)
Mostrar respuestas ocultas: 12
Eagles, Dunkers, Devils, Seirin1 were all WL3
60 S
13 Dia
El entrenador cambió de equipo durante el mercado limitado
(Traducir) (Traducir EN)
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