League's statistics (Lietuva.6.4)

Players' statistics Can be scrolled horizontally
  Player Team Country Matches played * Total Average
1 Zakarijas Sasnauskas Bc-Želva LT.png Lithuania 2 80 40
2 Braylon George Bc-Želva US.png United States 3 117 39
3 Patricijus Karkutis BC Delavaras LT.png Lithuania 1 38 38
4 Dominykas Gurklys Virtuozai LT.png Lithuania 1 35 35
5 Rudolfas Medžiūnas Guns and Roses1 LT.png Lithuania 2 68 34
6 Andriejus Gražėnas Virtuozai LT.png Lithuania 1 30 30
7 Lok Ho Ling Bc-Želva HK.png Hong Kong 2 57 28.5
8 Javier Nogueira Bc-Želva UY.png Uruguay 3 85 28.3
9 Lukas Daumantas Bebras Virtuozai LT.png Lithuania 2 48 24
10 Adrien Lucas Bc-Želva CI.png Cote d`Ivoire 2 47 23.5
11 Ubaldas Lelėnas Pakalnutes LT.png Lithuania 1 22 22
12 Adrijus Lengvinas AND ir Ko(Closed) LT.png Lithuania 1 21 21
13 Kleopas Grumulas Bc-Želva LT.png Lithuania 3 59 19.7
14 Valerijus Krivas Bc-Želva LT.png Lithuania 3 58 19.3
15 Almantas Šiškauskas Pakalnutes LT.png Lithuania 1 19 19
16 Eduardas Galva Guns and Roses1 LT.png Lithuania 2 35 17.5
17 Osmundas Gasiūnas AND ir Ko(Closed) LT.png Lithuania 1 16 16
18 Adas Vaškys Guns and Roses1 LT.png Lithuania 2 31 15.5
19 Daugvilas Kumpinis Universitetas LT.png Lithuania 1 15 15
20 Ferdinandas Bėras Guns and Roses1 LT.png Lithuania 2 29 14.5
21 Qasim Abu-Mustafa Bc-Želva AE.png United Arab Emirates 1 13 13
22 gintaras Kriklys Virtuozai LT.png Lithuania 2 24 12
23 Polis Pakaušis Virtuozai LT.png Lithuania 1 12 12
24 Dalius Guzas Universitetas LT.png Lithuania 1 11 11
25 Deivydas Kumpaitis Virtuozai LT.png Lithuania 1 11 11
26 Wenchang Yun Bc-Želva CN.png China 3 31 10.3
27 Švitrigaila Tučkus AND ir Ko(Closed) LT.png Lithuania 1 10 10
28 Irvydas Šeputis Virtuozai LT.png Lithuania 1 10 10
29 Beržas Doleris Lietuvos Vakaras LT.png Lithuania 1 10 10
30 Conan MacDonald Bc-Želva IE.png Ireland 3 28 9.3
* Minimum number of played matches: 1