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Notizie del gioco: Season 100 review!
-- 101 Stag. 1 g.
Season 100 review!
-- (Traduzione) (Traduzione EN)
Great teamwork from Hong Kong community!
Kudos to fungtys, tonyhoho, Ko01184 and R1RMYJJ
If any Hong Kong team wants to contribute in this season, please contact me or join our Discord!
-- 101 Stag. 1 g.
-- (Traduzione) (Traduzione EN)
Changes in match engine: adjust coaches’ influence so that it depends on the actual difference between coaches’ skills, not only on the fact that one is better at some skill. Coaches’ influence in matches is quite big, therefore we plan to include changes gradually in the upcoming 5 seasons. -> have you already started doing this, or are you just planning for the next 5 seasons? When we should feel those adjustments? -- 101 Stag. 1 g.
-- (Traduzione) (Traduzione EN)
Same sentence is used 4 seasons lol -- 101 Stag. 1 g.
-- (Traduzione) (Traduzione EN)
I believe many users know the situation, but I will try to explain again.

I am really struggling with the Mach engine update in recent seasons. This is an area I cannot simply hand over to our freelance developer. It also can't be updated in a quick hour after work; even small updates require time to ensure there are no unwanted negative effects.

If I can't find a few full days to work on it during the season, unfortunately, all related updates are postponed to the next season. Finding these full, uninterrupted days is difficult since I have three small kids, another full-time job, and many smaller issues to manage on BasketPulse.

In any case, there are no secret updates here. You can always find all updates regarding the ME in our changelog:
-- 101 Stag. 1 g.
-- (Traduzione) (Traduzione EN)
Hi, one question, are you going to fix National league incomes? In Spain is much better to stay in National League 2 that move to 1st división. Or we have more incomes in matches or prizes for the 12 teams at the end, we had matches 40-30 in the last match trying to avaoid move to 1st división, and this was happening many season ago -- 101 Stag. 1 g.
-- (Traduzione) (Traduzione EN)
We don’t have such plans, at least for the current season. If the community believes this should be our top priority, I suggest highlighting it in the feedback we request from federations each season.

From my perspective, the entire national tournament system needs to be thoroughly reviewed. I don't think giving money to the last-place teams would solve the problem.
The prize money would still be lower than the top prizes in the lower division, and we’d continue to face the same issues. We need bigger changes to improve this area, and I don't believe now is the right time to invest our efforts here.
-- 101 Stag. 1 g.
-- (Traduzione) (Traduzione EN)
We had a great increase in the user-base in Brazil because we managed to bring a few users from another online game and they became active in our whatsapp group. I think we growth more than 100% in one season (5 user to 11) -- 101 Stag. 1 g.
-- (Traduzione) (Traduzione EN)
Ei lietuviai, kaip mums pasiekti tą apie 40% užaugintą naujų vartotojų kiekį? Pas mumis kai apie 400 vartotojų, tai reikia 160 naujų.. Diskriminacija prieš mumis, nes mes tokių skaičių nepasieksim dėl savo dydžio. Svarbu administracijai linksma, jog taisyklių nesilaiko ir bonusus gauna.
Sistema kaip ir variklis. Veikia kaip nori, bet kad blogai tai nesvarbu.
-- 101 Stag. 1 g.
-- (Traduzione) (Traduzione EN)
Houdis renkasi balsus viso gyvenimo kadencijai -- 101 Stag. 1 g.
-- (Traduzione) (Traduzione EN)
So, we have a National League system where people do not won to Win in Second División.
37-21 was the result in the last match to promote. 37-21
All the players in never shoot. If you think this dont need to be solve...
-- 101 Stag. 1 g.
-- (Traduzione) (Traduzione EN)