Kritiškas pastebėjimas tik vienas, labai uždaros bendravimo sistemos nereikia. Jau ir taip spaudos konferencijos pernelyg uždaros (mažesnėse šalyse štilis), nors yra N šalių kur komandas valdo lietuviai. Norintys pasismalsauti užsieniečiai manau turėtu turėti prieigą peržiūrėti federacijų žinutes, bet tik negalėtu rašyti (jei norėtu, pvz federacijos prezidentui į PM galėtu rašyti)
55 Stag.
43 g.
Bonusų rinkoje, namų laiko nustatymai, skiltis "Pasvarstymui" - super! Be to, dalies priežiūros funkcijų perkėlimas savanoriams turėtų paspartinti ir žaidimo tobulėjimą. Už!
55 Stag.
43 g.
Some good starting ideas that could help grow the game.
55 Stag.
44 g.
(Traduzione) (Traduzione EN)
Jei galėčiau įnešt savo indėlį būtų smagu , vis tiek žaidimu sergu jau 7 metus tad tikimybė jog pasveiksiu maža reiškia reikia pasirūpinti geresnėmis ligos sąlygomis :)
55 Stag.
45 g.
I don`t remember any post with only positive comments, thank you!
Now I am solving some problems with team names. Together with that I will be forced to update team names' confirmation system. I will check if it is possible to start realizing federations' idea without waiting "n" seasons with at least few features for start (create federation, team names' confirmation, teachers)
55 Stag.
45 g.
I think that all the improvements that bring more characteristics to the game are good ideas, in order to better the game, increase the users, etc. It will also be good management for communities with users. I hope that in the near future the game of a step of quality
55 Stag.
46 g.
TheWizardsKs, there is no translation engine which would properly translate a sentence or a short paragraph from LT language. Especially, when no ticks and etc (LT letters) are used like in the case of eividaz.
56 Stag.
30 g.
I must say that the update can not affect game balance.
Determine native country’s advantage that native players give to their country’s teams in the market. The bigger this advantage is, the easier it is to keep native players in team. But on the same time it is more difficult to hire other countries’ players.
If that sentence means what I think it's meant (not sure, it's written in poor English), it cannot affect anything because it cannot be implemented. If Italy want to protect its market, setting a 100% premium on italian players, I understand Italy will have to pay a 100% premium to sign foreign players as well. Is it so? Is it what a-darius meant? What if China wants an open market, only 10% premium: how much is it? If an italian team signs a Chinese player? 10% or 100%? You can't have both! The % must be the same for both countries. So it is either the same for everyone, or we need to enter Country -to- Country bilateral negotiations... Italy/China=20%, Italy/Lithuania 60%, Italy/Argentina 0%.... Unfeasible
57 Stag.
26 g.
Frankebasta: it's easy, if italians set 20% as their extra charge, LTs set 10%, so for italian to buy a lithuanian player, or vice verca, the advantage will be 10%+20%=30% or 1.2*1.1=32%, whichever way admins choose.
57 Stag.
26 g.
? Where did you get that? I have to think you learnt it on the Lithuanian Language ONLY group. That's exactly the competive advantage the Chinese guy was talking about! How many more secrets Lithuanian users know???
57 Stag.
26 g.
(Traduzione) (Traduzione EN)
Wow, calm down! I think you are way too much paranoid :D
57 Stag.
26 g.
(Traduzione) (Traduzione EN)
Frank,i won many titles here in the game,and i even don't understand what are you or dzonis talking about :D so how many secrets even i don't know?
57 Stag.
26 g.
"nustatyti “bonusą”, kurį vietiniai žaidėjai taiko savo šalies komandoms rinkoje. Kuo jis didesnis, tuo lengviau išlaikyti savo šalies žaidėjus, bet tuo pačiu ir tuo sunkiau samdyti kitų šalių žaidėjus." This is also info in Lithuanian announcement. Use your common sense instead of conspirology.
57 Stag.
26 g.
"nustatyti “bonusą”, kurį vietiniai žaidėjai taiko savo šalies komandoms rinkoje. Kuo jis didesnis, tuo lengviau išlaikyti savo šalies žaidėjus, bet tuo pačiu ir tuo sunkiau samdyti kitų šalių žaidėjus." This is all info in Lithuanian announcement. Use your common sense instead of conspirology.
57 Stag.
26 g.
I'm the MASTER of secrets from Lithuania. Moreover, when we talk Lithuanian, we use a special code that translator could not understand :))))
57 Stag.
26 g.
Doesn't matter, the translator not recognize much of words used by you when you talk in lithuanian, so you don't need to use a code. If you don't believe try to use translator with some comments overhere
57 Stag.
26 g.
the translator doesnt work because when we talk in lithuanian, we cut the endings of words, or dont use lithuanian letters etc thats why the translator cant recognise it
57 Stag.
26 g.
Exactly my point: you frankly say " in the Lithuanian announcement" but in the English version it is not so obvious. That's exactly what I'm complaining about. I for one would be glad to join the discussion, to bring my two cents (! Now, lesse if Bing can translate idiomatic sentences, cut in half!)... But thats impossible because not even the Formal announcements are translated to English properly. Maybe this new project of Federations will help with translations... Hope so
57 Stag.
26 g.
Frankebasta, I copied LT announcement, because I wanted to show that there were no additional info or details.
57 Stag.
27 g.
(Traduzione) (Traduzione EN)
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Se l'utente è attivo da tempo, una medaglia, che trovi in alto a sinistra, indica il suo stato. Bronzo: utente da almeno una stagione, Argento - utente da almeno 3 stagioni, Oro, utente da almeno 8 stagioni, Platino - da almeno 16 stagioni.
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