"How the Mighty Fall: And Why Some Companies Never Give In" by James C. Collins
good book
69 Stag.
34 g.
(Traduzione) (Traduzione EN)
mano bičelis, su šituo žmogum sutariau geriausiai žaidime laaabai daug sezonų, gal tik paskutinius 10 viskas priblėso. Bet iki tol , kiek pridiskutavę esam, aptarę mainų, ginčų kiek ir t.t, turėjo labai didelę aistrą šiam žaidimui :) smagu buvo pažinti, tačiau viskam ateina galas, bet tikiuosi dar sugryš pailsėjęs :)
69 Stag.
34 g.
(Traduzione) (Traduzione EN)
Conferenza stampa nascosta dai volontari della federazione o dagli aministratori
69 Stag.
34 g.
Conferenza stampa nascosta dai volontari della federazione o dagli aministratori
69 Stag.
34 g.
(Traduzione) (Traduzione EN)
savo jausmus pasilik sau, čia ne vieta šitiems žaidimams. prašau pagarbos, būk malonus ir suprask.
jei neturi ką parašyt apie vartotoją, nerašyk ir neteršk komferencijos, ačiū.
69 Stag.
34 g.
(Traduzione) (Traduzione EN)
CO issiblaivyk
69 Stag.
34 g.
(Traduzione) (Traduzione EN)
Tai as ir sakau kad susigraudinau nes pats nemazai su dzoniu bendraves
69 Stag.
34 g.
(Traduzione) (Traduzione EN)
Todel ir parasiau nes ji gerbiu juk as del jo sukuriau termina dvaro ponai. Bahurs dzonis. Tu jei interpretuoji mano zinutes tai biski neprakaituok kur nereik. Visai lt bendruomenei nuostolis kad jis isitryne
69 Stag.
34 g.
istirkit :D nezinau ar galiu imtis veiksmu, nes jei atsauks bus isvis pilna bedu
69 Stag.
9 g.
(Traduzione) (Traduzione EN)
dzoni nera ka cia tirti ... mainai kai ir px gauni geriau bet brangiau bet 2 desimtukininkus isnuomoji gaunasi kad ir gavai geresi ir sutaupai 10k ,,,nors kinietis pats pasiule
69 Stag.
9 g.
saziningo komiteto impotencija graziai cia pasirode, siaip as nekomentuoju ju darbo per daug, siaip galima tik pasijuokti is dvigubu standartu bet cia tai jau virs visko. maino zaideja 30metu i 29 metu su mazesniu suoliu ir tai zymiai geresniu VK ir dar gauna 2 zaidejus 10 potencialo.
cia zmones negali 9 potencialo ismainyti i du 8 potencialo ar 8 potencialo zaideja i du jaunesnius 8 potencialo, o cia gauna ne tik jaunesni geresni bet ir 10 potencialo du talentus.
siaip man nerupetu tokie mainai jei butu cia tik mainai, bet eile atsauktu mainu net si sezona kurie yra zymiai zymiai geresneje situacijoje nei sitie. galima tik pasigrozet situo komiteto sedevru :)
69 Stag.
11 g.
(Traduzione) (Traduzione EN)
星星 其实你出这个交易我们都能理解,你苗子多,又缺个sf。问题是FPC双标严重。我们并没有说这是故意送福利,而是FPC判定到底是什么标准。
69 Stag.
11 g.
(Traduzione) (Traduzione EN)
If all teams had so much discussions with FPC and provided all arguments and reasons for trade before doing it, I am pretty sure that most of them would pass without any problems.
69 Stag.
11 g.
(Traduzione) (Traduzione EN)
Fantastika! Hebra yra kitu krepsinio zaidimu kur tokiu cirku nebuna? :D
69 Stag.
11 g.
pritariu "gedunex" , mainai nesąmoningi
69 Stag.
11 g.
(Traduzione) (Traduzione EN)
Cagezjeng was very transparent will all information and if you all knew as much as we do about this trade you would likely change your opinion on which manager got the better side of this deal.
69 Stag.
11 g.
One more case when people are unhappy about the fact that there is no rules which would reglament FPC work on trade issuess. This work must be done :)
69 Stag.
11 g.
(Traduzione) (Traduzione EN)
Mostra risposte nascoste: 32
69 Stag.
11 g.
Once again - potentials are not something you can not know - it is just a matter of credits. So if it is needed for FPC to decide about trade, it is in your favor to provide them. Otherwise don't be surprised if trade is reverted when you do not cooperate with FPC. Everybody knows that inner potentials is the most important deciding about the player and good inner potentials of 8 potential player is much better than bad 10.
And stop about that double standarts - FPC does not have such thing, but they are not robots, they can make mistakes too. But from my prospect of view it is better to have some reverted trades by mistake than do not have trades at all.
69 Stag.
11 g.
(Traduzione) (Traduzione EN)
There have been 10 trades that have been accepted that were two Chinese managers involved in the trade, 4 that have been reverted. Two of those were due to a teams statement of quitting the game and being inactive for a week right adtrer trades were made. Those two case were disallowed due to a long standing rule, given all the information that we were given. Those two trades were reverted due to those facts at hand. It wouldn’t matter who traded them. A while back in the USA this happened by one manager and many teams got punished over it. It does not matter about country in these situations. It wouldn’t matter if it were two managers in different countries. It is an old rule and it is a good rule and because of that, those two trades should not count in data totals as they were rejected for other reasons. So now you have just two trade, I will say again, two trade that was rejected that was between two Chinese managers. Let’s stay with the facts and not thowing any item at the wall and hope that it sticks. Ten of the twelve have been accepted. Also, God, in this trade you should be quite happy for your country man, he will tell you himself and others that know specifics would conclude that this deal in the end will be very good for him. It revered his team’s direction and today they won on the road. His team was underperforming and relegation was an actual possibility before this trade. Again, he was thoughtful in his interactions with us and transparent which made what looks like a terrible deal at face value not a terrible deal at all.
69 Stag.
11 g.
Il giocatore è stato trasferito dalla squadra giovanile alla squadra principale
(Traduzione) (Traduzione EN)
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