Spēlētāja informācija
Šī lapa satur informāciju par virtulālās spēles tēlu. Jebkuras sakritības ar reāliem cilvēkiem (vārds, uzvārds vai cita informācija) ir nejauša un neparedzēta.
Chih-Hao Chuang
Izvēlēsies klubu nākamajā sezonā
- Forma:
- Nav sagatavots
- Vecums:
- 30 g.
- Garums:
- 200 cm. (6' 7'' )
- Pozīcija:
- SF
- Stipruma likme (RT):
- 240
- Pirmā komanda:
- 3MIN_FanClub
Tirgus informācija
Minimālā pieprasītā alga | 9 720 Eu |
- volunteers voted "Revert and punish": 0
- volunteers voted "Revert": 1
- volunteers voted "Fair": 9
These reasons were chosen by the volunteers during voting:
1 - Suspicion that trade’s goal is to help one of the teams
-- 99 S 45 d.
- volunteers voted "Revert and punish": 0<br />
- volunteers voted "Revert": 7<br />
- volunteers voted "Fair": 3<br />
<br />
These reasons were chosen by the volunteers during voting:<br />
4 - Salary drop (one or more useful players are exchanged for useless player(s) with the only goal to reduce salaries)<br />
3 - Suspicion that trade’s goal is to help one of the teams<br />
<br />
-- 97 S 11 d.