Spēlētāja informācija
Šī lapa satur informāciju par virtulālās spēles tēlu. Jebkuras sakritības ar reāliem cilvēkiem (vārds, uzvārds vai cita informācija) ir nejauša un neparedzēta.
Levas Rimgaila
- Forma:
- Lieliska sagatavotība
- Vecums:
- 26 g.
- Garums:
- 217 cm. (7' 1'' )
- Pozīcija:
- C (C)
- Stipruma likme (RT):
- 206
- Prognozētais augstākais RT:
- 224
- Potenciāls:
- 5
- Pirmā komanda:
Līguma informācija
Termiņš | 3 S |
Alga | 3 634 Eu |
Viedoklis | Perfekti |
Tirgus informācija
Minimālā pieprasītā alga | 6 296 Eu |
In exchange for that a young Pot9 was traded for a younger Pot6. Also because in the future Pot9 players are too expensive for my team in division 5. This is the part of the deal that is more beneficial for the other player. -- 101 S 33 d.
- volunteers voted "Revert and punish": 0
- volunteers voted "Revert": 4
- volunteers voted "Fair": 5
These reasons were chosen by the volunteers during voting:
4 - Suspicion that trade’s goal is to help one of the teams
-- 101 S 34 d.