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Kazimierz Hludzenski
- Forma:
- Lieliska sagatavotība
- Vecums:
- 26 g.
- Garums:
- 196 cm. (6' 5'' )
- Pozīcija:
- PG (PG)
- Stipruma likme (RT):
- 226
- Prognozētais augstākais RT:
- 252
- Potenciāls:
- 7
- Pirmā komanda:
- Zepter Slask Wroclaw
Līguma informācija
Termiņš | 3 S |
Alga | 6 250 Eu |
Viedoklis | Perfekti |
Tirgus informācija
Minimālā pieprasītā alga | 8 359 Eu |
Big Cs are very expensive nowadays and there are very little players like that from Poland. I offered smaller C with a lower salary + 7 pot young player. Hludzenski is just a salary filler. -- 100 S 4 d.
- volunteers voted "Revert and punish": 0
- volunteers voted "Revert": 2
- volunteers voted "Fair": 9
These reasons were chosen by the volunteers during voting:
2 - Suspicion that trade’s goal is to help one of the teams
-- 100 S 5 d.