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Tianyi Feng
- Forma:
- Lieliska sagatavotība
- Vecums:
- 16 g.
- Garums:
- 210 cm. (6' 11'' )
- Pozīcija:
- C
- Starp vienaudžiem:
- C
- Stipruma likme (RT):
- 73
- Prognozētais augstākais RT:
- 229
- Potenciāls:
- 5
- Pirmā komanda:
- A Song of Ice and Fire
- volunteers voted "Revert and punish": 0
- volunteers voted "Revert": 7
- volunteers voted "Fair": 3
These reasons were chosen by the volunteers during voting:
7 - Suspicion that trade’s goal is to help one of the teams
-- 100 S 7 d.