Darījuma informācija


Pārrunu sākšana 2023-05-23- 17:27
Pārrunu beigšana 2023-05-23- 18:06
Ierobežojumu līmenis 7
flag Star Bao
Alga: 1983 Eu
Līgums: 4 S Vecums: 18 g.
RT: 129 Garums: 215 cm.
Potenciāls: 7
flag Chun-I Jiang
Alga: -
Līgums: Skolas talants Vecums: 15 g.
RT: 68 Garums: 194 cm.
Potenciāls: 7
Kan Lve
Alga: 2500 Eu
Līgums: 3 S Vecums: 20 g.
RT: 127 Garums: 182 cm.
Potenciāls: 8
flag Majus Mikucionis
Alga: -
Līgums: Skolas talants Vecums: 15 g.
RT: 56 Garums: 184 cm.
Potenciāls: 8
Icon Maiņa/Aizdotie spēlētāji: Beilan & Engelman
-- 93 S 16 d.
Komanda izteica maiņas darījuma piedāvājumu
-- (Tulkot) (Tulkot EN)
Parādīt paslēptās ziņas: 5
Maiņas dalībnieka paziņojums hello players are changed depending on what both sides need. I get one tall player for a shorter one, which is unnecessary in my team. Also the boys from the school are changed considering that there will be a similar ranking in the future. My priority in this exchange is to get a decent talent from the school, which really suits me, and to get a high player in exchange for a defender. -- 93 S 16 d.
-- (Tulkot) (Tulkot EN)
Šis darījums tika ziņots kā negodīgs. Tomēr, Godīgas Spēles komiteja (FPC) nolēma, ka šis darījums ir godīgs. -- 93 S 17 d.
-- (Tulkot) (Tulkot EN)
How the Fair Play Committee members voted:<br />
- volunteers voted &quot;Revert and punish&quot;: 0<br />
- volunteers voted &quot;Revert&quot;: 1<br />
- volunteers voted &quot;Fair&quot;: 11<br />
<br />
These reasons were chosen by the volunteers during voting:<br />
1 - Suspicion that trade&rsquo;s goal is to help one of the teams<br />
<br />
-- 93 S 17 d.
-- (Tulkot) (Tulkot EN)