Which are the criteria for an "unfair" exchange? I also offered 3 of my players (Zha, Stavropoulos, Altabas) for Konstantineas, but he rejected my offer. In case he had accepted it, I was also going to get a ban and lose players????? :o Also too bad that a rising greek team is closed now :(
55 С
35 д
(Преведи) (Преведи EN)
dar vienas akivaizdus pvz apie ydinga tvarka kai nacionalinis čempionatas neturi reikšmės
55 С
36 д
Kavala, what do you mean by 'rising greek team'? :D Marko was simply a duplicate team of superflights. Or at least they had really close connections as both of Marko's great scouted talents quickly ended up in the hands of superflight for a crapy return.
55 С
36 д
Wouldn't be better if there was a kind of system that would not permit this kind of exchanges (obviously setting some qualifications for acceptable terms) instead of destroying teams after allegedly unacceptable trades?
55 С
37 д
It would be very complicated to contruct such system and in addition, it was not the only trade between those teams that was unfair. http://www.bballzone.net/lt/MainuLangas-informacija-797501.htm The admins evaluate not only trades, but PM and IP logs as well, which may have influenced that decision. It seems to be a duplicate team of superflights, that's why Marko was closed.
55 С
37 д
I see your point. I am not saying it was an unfair decision, just tried to propose an alternative that could make the game less negatively surprising. I myself got punished some years ago for something that I have not understood yet... somebody who never appeared as a game user, allegedly used the same IP with me and I (not s/he, I) lost players and some thousands of money... so I guess, if Supers is accused for what it seems, the punishment is not that harsh.
In any case, the exchange system can take some improvements. I don't see the reason for some of the limits that there exist. And I see many good reasons to add up some new limits... the ones that justify this kind of punishments
55 С
37 д
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