Informações do time

Logotipo da equipe

Jogador da Franquia Kim Briedis

353 HT

Idade: 29 a.

Altura: 222 cm

flag Briedžiai

Logotipo da equipe team-jerseys-front team-jerseys-back
Nome local: Briedžiai
Usuário: HeyHoudini
Linksmai logo LuxTransfer logo

S. Miežis

Pontos: 17,0


K. Briedis

Rebotes: 7,0


V. Laurinaitis

Assistências: 6,0


Atividade 2024-05-22 10:18
País flag Lithuania
Federação Lithuanian Basketball Federation
Nome curto do clube Briedžiai (Brdž)
Categoria de base Briedžiai Categoria de base
Time juvenil Briedžiai Youth


Ranking de força no jogo 52 ( lugar nos rankings)
Ranking de força na Liga Nacional 11 ( lugar nos rankings)
Ranking de força na Liga Internacional 29 ( lugar nos rankings)
Média HT 327
Fã clube 2712
Ranking de fãs 16 ( lugar nos rankings)
Ranking de pop. na liga int. 15 ( lugar nos rankings)
Imagem 7/7
Opinião pessoal 6/7


Renda semanal de patrocinadores 212159 Eu
Soma máxima para salários da equipe 1098363 Eu
Nível de restrições de trocas 8 (Histórico)
Negociações feitas em geral 36
Trocas feitas nesta temporada 2
Total de vitórias/partidas disputadas 571/1105 52%
Vitórias na temporada/partidas disputadas 0/1 0%
Quantidade de jogadores emprestados 29 (Estatísticas)
Voluntário da federação: RokasV
-- 85 T 40 d.
Novo candidato para se tornar voluntário. Apresentação do candidato: Nors žaidžiu žaidimą salyginai neilgai, bet skiriu daug laiko ir esu susipažinęs su esminiais dalykais šiame žaidime. Manau, galėčiau skirti pakankamai laiko ir duoti neblogų patarimų naujiems vartotojams.
-- (Traduzir) (Traduzir EN)
Inscrição de voluntário confirmada -- 85 T 40 d.
-- (Traduzir) (Traduzir EN)
Voluntário foi demitido de seu cargo pelo presidente da federação -- 99 T 2 d.
-- (Traduzir) (Traduzir EN)
-- 98 T 25 d.
Important! The fight against cheating
-- (Traduzir) (Traduzir EN)
Mostrar respostas ocultas: 79
Of course, we won't simply change back just because the community didn't like the update. Such changes were made for valid reasons, and we've already explained these reasons.

The community has offered numerous suggestions for solving these issues, but each suggestion would require investing significantly more resources, which we currently don't have.

My suggestion is to focus on what we can do in the future. Our ultimate goal is to minimize cheating, and our current actions may not suffice to achieve this.
-- 99 T 1 d.
-- (Traduzir) (Traduzir EN)
Really? All you have to do is buy credits and all the restrictions become meaningless. So we should call for what it is, as long as you pay you do whatever you want, that includes cheating, It doesn't solve the issue.

I have a better idea for you, just put a price behind account creation, same concept and "will solve all the problems in the game". No more cheaters and you will have a player base with people who put money in the game.
-- 99 T 1 d.
-- (Traduzir) (Traduzir EN)
The majority of our users have never purchased credits, so it's unlikely that cheaters who haven't bought credits will start just to cheat.

While some cheaters will likely persist, reducing the overall incidence of cheating will make detection and investigation easier.

As outlined in the article, these restrictions are just the first step. If they prove insufficient, we'll explore further measures. If necessary, I'm prepared to eliminate these features entirely.

Let's monitor how these restrictions change the situation and reassess after some time to determine if further steps are necessary
-- 99 T 1 d.
-- (Traduzir) (Traduzir EN)