This is not clan wars. We are not trying to beat the system by banding together like you are doing. Just don't start making excuses here that it's not like that, because I'll make another video and you can take a break from the game. :D
101 T
58 d.
That's all you can say about me and it's a little funny because all the Chinese have only one argument. You're just trying to belittle me. :D But for some reason you can't defend yourself that you are not frauds :D
101 T
58 d.
Information about offers received in the market: G. Ren
35000Eu - Gudrioji Lape
29999Eu - choppermaiden
25215Eu - zebiekste
25000Eu - CuFeS
24005Eu - david1992 (Offer accepted)
22222Eu - CaNaKKaLe
20000Eu - MatiMaasik
15385Eu - Angelix19
15000Eu - Team_1
Information about offers received in the market: J. Yi
65000Eu - Gudrioji Lape
44581Eu - david1992 (Offer accepted)
31000Eu - Vycka
28982Eu - pterodaktils
28592Eu - dragiux
Information about offers received in the market: K. Knašys
28000Eu - andriuss
27000Eu - Vycka
26800Eu - Gudrioji Lape
26800Eu - david1992 (Offer accepted)
17500Eu - Jautrais
16777Eu - nightkill79
12500Eu - Team_1
11500Eu - asapeagle
Information about offers received in the market: G. Tavela
90000Eu - Gudrioji Lape
77165Eu - david1992 (Offer accepted)
40000Eu - Zolininkas
37000Eu - Bigtiz
32000Eu - zebiekste
29999Eu - janggaming
29192Eu - pterodaktils
101 T
56 d.
Information about offers received in the market: L. James
111111Eu - Gudrioji Lape
100000 Dogecoin - Elon Musk
30000Eu - Donald Trump
0Eu - Diddy (Offer accepted)
True, he did bid on everyone he wants.
101 T
56 d.
Crazy quotes, rising average player prices, and increasing salaries will attract more people to purchase funds, which is a good strategy
101 T
57 d.
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