I would like to share most important BasketPulse news and more information about free throws percentage in the game. Nice to meet you!I am @dwyane3, I've been playing BasketPulse for over half my life - over 14 years. I have been interested in manager games, especially basketball, for years. From now on, I will try to ensure that all the most important and interesting information reaches you on time. If you have any questions or need help, please DM me and I will be happy to help. :) Why are players missing free throws?Recently, community members have been concerned about the free throw shooting percentage in the game. Is the worry justified?
The mid-range skill is directly related to free throw shooting percentage. For example, players with mid-range skill 1 have a 31% accuracy, skill 6 - 59%, skill 12 - 91%.
In the top league of our game WL1 - average free throw shooting percentage is 62%, while in NBA - 77%. WL2 - 59%, Euroleague - 77%. WL3 - 59%, Spanish ACB - 75%. All these leagues in our game have a similar mid-range shooting skill of 6.
Free throw shooting percentage in the game is slightly different compared to corresponding real-world leagues. As a result, we have slightly increased the base free throw shooting percentage (especially for the players with bad skills) in a test engine that is live in national leagues. However, we have removed experience influence on free throw shooting. If the adjustments deem to be successful, they will be live on all games starting season 90. IMPORTANT. In order to improve free throw shooting, we recommend improving the mid-range shooting skill of the players. Each skill upgrade results in about 5% better accuracy from the free throw line.
Why are players missing free throws?


As a result, we have slightly increased the base free throw shooting percentage (especially for the players with bad skills) - don't think this will give a motivation to train more 2M :)
89 S
23 g.
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" in a test engine that is live in national leagues. "
do you mean that we are playing with different GE in National and WL?
That's news to me!
Good to know.
As it ALWAYS happens in this game, we are playing without knowing the rules applied to our choices.
It's a great satisfaction to be treated like a 3 year-old child.
By lovely parents, I surmise -- 89 S 23 g.
do you mean that we are playing with different GE in National and WL?
That's news to me!
Good to know.
As it ALWAYS happens in this game, we are playing without knowing the rules applied to our choices.
It's a great satisfaction to be treated like a 3 year-old child.
By lovely parents, I surmise -- 89 S 23 g.
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We wrote about that at least few times. In case you missed:

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a-darius wrote:
"Season 89 day 1 - the new match engine will be used in the whole game"
That's exactly why i'm FLABBERGASTED!
I didn't miss the news article.
I missed the obvious single entendre ...... Admin's news release must never be trusted
(which, by the way, is NOT proper english)
And now you nonchalantly pretend that it's ME WHO DOESN'T know that we play 2 different GE
It is beyond me to argue with such a logic -- 89 S 23 g.
"Season 89 day 1 - the new match engine will be used in the whole game"
That's exactly why i'm FLABBERGASTED!
I didn't miss the news article.
I missed the obvious single entendre ...... Admin's news release must never be trusted
(which, by the way, is NOT proper english)
And now you nonchalantly pretend that it's ME WHO DOESN'T know that we play 2 different GE
It is beyond me to argue with such a logic -- 89 S 23 g.
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" frankebaste we are playing with different ME in WL and NL the last few seasons already. Everybody knows it :) "
as conveniently a-darius pointed out:
"Season 89 day 1 - the new match engine will be used in the whole game"
I assumed that we are way past Season 89 day1
On my browser it reads: s89d23.
Maybe it's my O.S. at fault. Maybe I live in a different time zone.
Dunno -- 89 S 23 g.
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why to remove impact of experience? i believe this should be a factor?
89 S
23 g.
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In the same article (just a few lines below) we informed that we will continue our work with updating ME and these updates will be visible in the national league.
So, If someone understood that differently I try to explain:
All ME updates (except critical bugs) firstly goes to testing ME.
Testing ME is used in national leagues
Every one or two seasons the main match engine will be updated so that it is the same as testing (that happened on the first day of this season)
We plan to continue this cycle as long as it is needed.
In the near future we also plan to create a ME change log article in game’s help, where all ME updates will be logged in one place. -- 89 S 23 g.
So, If someone understood that differently I try to explain:
All ME updates (except critical bugs) firstly goes to testing ME.
Testing ME is used in national leagues
Every one or two seasons the main match engine will be updated so that it is the same as testing (that happened on the first day of this season)
We plan to continue this cycle as long as it is needed.
In the near future we also plan to create a ME change log article in game’s help, where all ME updates will be logged in one place. -- 89 S 23 g.
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a-darius wrote:
"In the same article (just a few lines below) we informed that we will continue our work with updating ME and these updates will be visible in the national league."
.... and that's what I read in the official press release:
"After that we plan that our work with ME never stops and we will be constantly updating it."
no mention of National League.
Which I (wrongly, as it turned out) assumed it was the ONE AND ONLY GE that you stated one line before.
A suggestion, for a-darius and all the Admins and FPC members: if your english is not good enough to properly express your thoughts, try using Google translate.
Even a spell checker will help, in most instances.
Better yet, ask some game user to check your messages before posting in press release for everybody to see.
It's been a few years since the english language was chosen as the game official language.
But it is..... NOT WORKING WELL -- 89 S 23 g.
"In the same article (just a few lines below) we informed that we will continue our work with updating ME and these updates will be visible in the national league."
.... and that's what I read in the official press release:
"After that we plan that our work with ME never stops and we will be constantly updating it."
no mention of National League.
Which I (wrongly, as it turned out) assumed it was the ONE AND ONLY GE that you stated one line before.
A suggestion, for a-darius and all the Admins and FPC members: if your english is not good enough to properly express your thoughts, try using Google translate.
Even a spell checker will help, in most instances.
Better yet, ask some game user to check your messages before posting in press release for everybody to see.
It's been a few years since the english language was chosen as the game official language.
But it is..... NOT WORKING WELL -- 89 S 23 g.
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3P shooters usually are good with FT. Some 2P players are really good FT shooters. Free throw player' skills should be calculated like this: FT=(0.15*2P skills)+(0.5*MidRange skills)+(0.35*3P skills). Is this possible?
89 S
24 g.
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Mid-range is encourage to train more by influencing free throws. Good way to start. Maybe 2/3 mid-range + 1/3 3pt. Just an idea for reference. Thank you.
89 S
24 g.
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I agree with them that 3pt should be added to the calculation formula of FT, which is obviously more reasonable and more realistic。
89 S
24 g.
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Please stop debating this, this is definitely not happening anytime soon. The administration has already spoken about this situation:
"About changing the formula and also regarding three points skill.
Some users trained middle range skill to have a good free-throw shooter. I don't see any good reason why we should punish these users just because some other users ignored this.
You decided to save training points in this area, and now you pay the cost that you knew would be. Just because of this your decisions there is no logic to change how the match engine works." -- 89 S 24 g.
"About changing the formula and also regarding three points skill.
Some users trained middle range skill to have a good free-throw shooter. I don't see any good reason why we should punish these users just because some other users ignored this.
You decided to save training points in this area, and now you pay the cost that you knew would be. Just because of this your decisions there is no logic to change how the match engine works." -- 89 S 24 g.
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If a discussion is meaningful and brainstorming, why would we need to stop? We are talking about punishing the player trained to have a good free throw shooter. Under the new formula they should have even better %. We are only talking about to include the three point. What are you mad at?
89 S
24 g.
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We are *not talking about punishing
89 S
24 g.
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Gudrioji Lape wrote
"why to remove impact of experience? i believe this should be a factor?"
You probably could take it like that: from the Experience skill definition:
It's essentially an opposing factor. Which wouldn't quite transcribe in free throw shooting.
Maybe the "not to panic" aspect of it, but then again, not a strictly opposing factor.
Or you consider it a battle against yourself. In which case experience would negate itself.
Though maybe Psychology skill of a coach would be of better help in that regard. Which it might already be. -- 89 S 24 g.
"why to remove impact of experience? i believe this should be a factor?"
You probably could take it like that: from the Experience skill definition:

It's essentially an opposing factor. Which wouldn't quite transcribe in free throw shooting.
Maybe the "not to panic" aspect of it, but then again, not a strictly opposing factor.
Or you consider it a battle against yourself. In which case experience would negate itself.
Though maybe Psychology skill of a coach would be of better help in that regard. Which it might already be. -- 89 S 24 g.
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The FT skill should just be the player accuracy skill - combination of all 3 shooting skills. With perhaps more weight on 2m and 3p than 2c, so not exactly average. Or just average of 2m and 3p, which is more realistic because of all the centers that shoot 60%+ around the rim and can't shoot at all from anywhere else.
Also, keep in mind that first and second free throw percentage differs. Since 1997, NBA players have shot 73% on their first free throw. They shoot 78% on their second free throw. That is a significant difference for that much data. -- 89 S 24 g.
Also, keep in mind that first and second free throw percentage differs. Since 1997, NBA players have shot 73% on their first free throw. They shoot 78% on their second free throw. That is a significant difference for that much data. -- 89 S 24 g.
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I would like to see defense actually start being an influence. We have never given up 65% of 2pt shots until this year. Please release exactly what internal things you have changed.
89 S
24 g.
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Every week is a surprise in the game, and we've been testing the game engine for the past three seasons. I have to be critical of the management because I am a victim of all this
89 S
24 g.
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The free throw shooting percentage is worse than before in national leagues match today.
89 S
25 g.
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How about the PG fouls? Its increíble how the 30 players with more fouls pero Game are PG. I do not remember (but were a lot) how many matches I ended playoñing without a PG because the 2 are out
89 S
27 g.
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dwyane3, why do You think player, who are not capable to make a 3pt shot, should have excellent free throw accuracy? Your argument make no sense.
89 S
27 g.
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It's incredible, it seems made by enemies, every time they touch something the game gets worse
89 S
28 g.
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with these percentages the game favors the weak teams.. because the weak team shoots less shots… tragic!!!!
89 S
32 g.
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Kuo toliau tobulinant zaidima tuo labiau niekas nebeveikia.naufok kokias nori taktikas vistiek tas ptas sudas gaunasi.identiskai pries ta paty varzova po pratesimo gaunu.ir identiskai visas beveik varzybas laimi ir pratesime jau net neturi sansu laimet.cia ne tiek kiek taktikos lemia.cia jau iskart nusprestos visos varzybos.nebera idomumo nei taktiku deliot nieko.visus malonumus baigia panaikinti
89 S
32 g.
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Man rods reiks rimtai irgi pradet galvot apie zaidimo metima
89 S
32 g.
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Yes, andriuss, I know the GM does not force us to update the tactics every day for different opponents (very tiring). However, decreasing luck impact, and increasing tactics impact, just a little bit, may be a more attractive engine in the long run.
89 S
34 g.
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dwyane3 now team with 210-250 rt players can win teams with 300+ rt. Clever.. so let's train medium shot for the shots only :).. i think it's ridiculous. the more it changes the worse the game gets.
89 S
35 g.
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nice , so are the 250rt better? correct???
89 S
36 g.
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You can't seriously say you don't know exactly how Dwayne meant that.
You're simply twisting the words around in his mouth. -- 89 S 36 g.
You're simply twisting the words around in his mouth. -- 89 S 36 g.
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Quick suggestion: on National U16 and U18 games the FT rate of the players should receive a boost, to mirror more closely the reality. You will not see in many real U16 and U18 games teams shoting below 50-60%
91 S
31 g.
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Gizli cevapları göster: 39

I haven't played this game long but the only thing I have found about free throws is that they are consistently inconsistent. In real life you can have a bad or good shooting day once in awhile, but here it is game to game wild. I believe you miscalculated the effect of the arena made on your formula for free throws. My team for instance through 8 home games is 142 out of 196 free throws for 72.4% but on the road the team is 118 out of 233 for 50.6% in also 8 games. The benefit of a comfortable arena vs an unfamiliar arena should not result in a 20%+ swing in free throw percentage.
92 S
23 g.
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Free trow percentages in wl and nl is different by 15% in same engine lol but of course in 10000 freethrows it should be equal
92 S
23 g.
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