Takas bilgisi

Geri alındı

Müzakere başlangıcı 2022-01-17- 19:53
Müzakere sonu 2022-01-17- 20:13
Restrictions' level 7
Idzham Rukun
Maaş: 1366 Eu
Sözleşme: 4 S Yaş: 21 y.
GS: 146 Boy: 199 cm.
Potansiyel: 6
Dobieslaw Flis
Maaş: 3953 Eu
Sözleşme: 5 S Yaş: 21 y.
GS: 133 Boy: 196 cm.
Potansiyel: 7
Girmintas Lazdėnas
Maaş: 3999 Eu
Sözleşme: 5 S Yaş: 20 y.
GS: 144 Boy: 186 cm.
Potansiyel: 8
Icon Takas/Kiralık oyuncular: Boss & TW Chaser
-- 85 S 29 g.
Team made a trade offer
-- (tercüme et) (tercüme et EN)
Gizli cevapları göster: 5
The Fair play committee decided that the trade is unfair and teams are given a warning. -- 85 S 31 g.
-- (tercüme et) (tercüme et EN)
How the Fair Play Committee members voted:<br />
- volunteers voted &quot;Revert and punish&quot;: 0<br />
- volunteers voted &quot;Revert&quot;: 6<br />
- volunteers voted &quot;Fair&quot;: 6<br />
<br />
These reasons were chosen by the volunteers during voting:<br />
6 - Suspicion that trade&rsquo;s goal is to help one of the teams<br />
<br />
-- 85 S 31 g.
-- (tercüme et) (tercüme et EN)
-- 85 S 32 g.
-- (tercüme et) (tercüme et EN)