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WL5中距離技能7的平均命中率和WL1的8.3沒有明顯差異。在較低等級級聯賽中,44%的命中率已經夠好了;相比之下,WL1為 32%,NBA為40%。在遊戲中的頂級聯賽,良好機會出手67%的命中率是與現實脫節的



BasketPulse Tritaškiai三分球投籃

在遊戲中頂級聯賽的三分平均命中率超過40%,略高於NBA和歐洲聯賽 (分別為37和35%)。 


BasketPulse atnaujinimai我們更改了什麼?


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1. 稍微降低近距離投籃命中率 (特別是在良好和普通機會)
2. 稍微減少在良好機會下的中距離投籃

-- 89 賽季 29 天
New article - info about shooting accuracy from various distance
-- (翻譯) (翻譯 EN)
顯示隱藏回應: 21
nofixations yes, I agree on that. We are currently analysing the effect of defensive focus tactics on the opponent's offence and we will share the data with the community next week.
barbabodom we have increased the amount of blocks slightly in the testing engine and we will see if it needs further adjustments. In addition, I will share more in-depth information about the shot contesting skill by Monday.
Thank you all for the help spotting these important bits so we can prioritise the adjustments rapidly. :)
-- 89 賽季 35 天
-- (翻譯) (翻譯 EN)
And I ask myself, why have we come to this? Was this necessary, it is an experiment in the endurance of users? -- 89 賽季 35 天
-- (翻譯) (翻譯 EN)
joancrumor I understand that the transition period is not easy and we are thankful for the patience and constructive feedback from our community. The game engine changes for made for several reasons:
1. The old match engine had a number of problems and we got criticised for the problems (i.e. 7 players were enough to win championships).
2. Some of the things that the new match engine is criticised have not been changed. For example, free-throw shooting has not been changed at all in the new match engine and free-throw shooting accuracy has been decreasing season-by-season due to constantly decreasing average of mid-range shooting skill.
3. Our community has voted for the new match engine to be our next priority in the game development.
4. We have ran the test engine for the last few seasons and the community could provide us with the feedback about it. We appreciate all the feedback we received in the previous seasons. However, the amount of feedback has way increased this season and we check the the main issues in a more efficient manner now, for example, we have increased free-throw shooting base and blocks slightly in the test engine and we will see if it need to be adjusted further.
Thank you very much for your patience again and I hope we can make our game better together.
-- 89 賽季 35 天
-- (翻譯) (翻譯 EN)