
Icon 交易/租借球員: A T G & HK Monarch
-- 90 賽季 1 天
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交易後開始在新球隊比賽 -- 90 賽季 1 天
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交易後開始在新球隊比賽 -- 90 賽季 1 天
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球員: Chi Yung Tai
交易後開始在新球隊比賽 -- 90 賽季 1 天
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球員: Lung Tak Fa
交易後開始在新球隊比賽 -- 90 賽季 1 天
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球員: Bing Fung Kui
交易後開始在新球隊比賽 -- 90 賽季 1 天
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交易已接受 -- 90 賽季 1 天
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Yang is a Pot 9 player with 366 max. RT with 100% health. Although RT of Cha Wei (407) is higher than Yang, he has poor health condition and the RT difference is compensated by two 8 Pot and one 7 Pot school boys. -- 90 賽季 1 天
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What? The difference between 360 and 400 RT is not that big to add that many players. -- 90 賽季 1 天
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It makes me confused on how we should measure the fairness of the trade. The current RT difference is around 130, but it is only around 40 in the future. Shall we assess based on the max RT or current RT? Anyway, let's assess by the Committee. -- 90 賽季 1 天
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這筆交易被檢舉為不公平交易,但是公平競爭委員會決定這筆交易是公平的。 -- 90 賽季 1 天
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How the Fair Play Committee members voted:<br />
- volunteers voted &quot;Revert and punish&quot;: 0<br />
- volunteers voted &quot;Revert&quot;: 5<br />
- volunteers voted &quot;Fair&quot;: 9<br />
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These reasons were chosen by the volunteers during voting:<br />
5 - Suspicion that trade&rsquo;s goal is to help one of the teams<br />
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-- 90 賽季 1 天
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coach M,应该是有人认为你在这个交易中就仅仅为了一个高rt的选秀付出太多。大家都知道选秀球员的rt是虚高的,浪费了很多训练点在多余的技能上,或者过多的技能进度上,而且低健康选秀有受伤风险,只有两年优惠合同,大部分选秀球员使用期也就2赛季。所以交易不能仅仅只根据年轻天赋球员的预估上限rt和巅峰球员的实际rt来判断,还得根据潜力,身高,合同长度和工资,技能是否训练合理,还有飞升后的球员虽然预估上限rt变低了,但要考虑飞升后潜力提前变现的价值,当然还要考虑财政原因,因为现在系统球员工资对大家的财政都是一个压力。所以在交易的评估中,只能评估这个交易是否对双方都有帮助,各取所需,而不会出现一种明显输送利益的交易情况 -- 90 賽季 2 天
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Fair? Okey -- 90 賽季 2 天
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keepsmile, 以後我的交易也應該要注意一點, 不要讓人有一種利益輸送的感覺
謝謝你的解釋, ~
-- 90 賽季 2 天
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I just have a question. How do you survive with 430.000 main team wages, when your sponsor is 140.000? I remember when I was in 2nd division 3 seasons ago, I had to fire almost all my players and stay with 7 players squad in order to stay alive! :( -- 90 賽季 3 天
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Just invest real money in the game and you will in turn get the game money -- 90 賽季 3 天
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Are you a billionaire? xD -- 90 賽季 3 天
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Čia jau grynai gaunasi "pay to win"...
Ketvirtas jo sezonas, 2nd pagal stiprumą žaidime, pirmas pagal fanus, nors niekaip nesuprantu kaip jis gavo 11k fanų.
-- 90 賽季 4 天
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Investment into the game gives you 1 fan per 1000 credits spent.
-- 90 賽季 4 天
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trophy buyer asks monarch king how to buy a trophy ...... ahhhh life full of wonders.... -- 90 賽季 4 天
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Lipinski, he had to spend 14k € just on fans, but i dont see where he invest them.
Cuz he had to invest 11mil creds for fans , plus for game money o.o
-- 90 賽季 4 天
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i see this situasion different. First of all, world leagues have too big maximum salary cap you can spend on players salaries which give really big advantage for pay to win players. In my opinion, in the past they should not limit how much money you can maximum save, but make more realistic maximum salaries cap and let team go over that amount, but if you go over it you pay luxury taxes like in nba. It would make these pay to win players pay more money if they want to keep these super roasters. Also in the end of the season all paid luxury taxes could be splitted to teams which do not pay luxury taxes. With this model world leagues would become more competetive and even. Now you can only blame game system, not users -- 90 賽季 4 天
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